This is awesome, I only knew the second one you did! Nice to have some new ones to try.
I also really like this way from Diego B (#1 in the video). It’s actually fairly easy and feels really good. I am still pretty weak skill-wise but picked it up quicker than most new things:
The method that seems to give me the most consistency is using my throw-hand thumb to move the inner string out of the way (i.e. more towards myself) as the yoyo comes in for the brother mount. Kind of feels a bit like cheating, but it gets the job done.
It’s not cheating, it’s yoyo. You can adjust when you get more comfortable to whatever other style you want but do what increases your rate of success imo for now at least
Thanks for this video bro!! Also good stuff in here. I think that between these 2 videos a person can add an impressive amount of variety to what has seemed to me so far to be a rather ordinary trick. Thanks!!
Here’s a nice way to dismount from the Double or Nothing Mount. I’ll explain then get a video in a bit for you. From DoN you drop the string on your throw hand by pointing your finger down. This leaves the yo-yo sitting in a saddle (I’m sure it has a name) from there you spin that saddle and yo-yo one time counterclockwise and you’ll be back in Trapeze.
Sorry for the delayed reply. I was busy during the week and then it slipped my mind to reply. I just tried it and I’m able to get it back into the trapeze, but the problem is that I don’t have any fancy way of dismounting from the trapeze as of yet.
That’s exactly it. And the Matrix is also a good trick to advance to from here. I will add that if you do your “drop” too quickly on a snappy responsive it’ll jump up and kiss your knuckle…hard!
If it goes around your thumb you end up in a houdini mount which is a variation of the trapeze and brother. Learn both as there are tricks that require one or the other.
Thanks @hsb this is the second of his videos I’ve looked at and it’s made me want to see more. I like a lot of what I see him doing and I feel like I’m at a decent point to jump into adding much of it to my…what… repertoire? Thanks for sharing this