The borealis... They're coming... nov 21 at 1pm. who’s ready?


wheres blue (i was always kindo thinking they already made many blue ones before worlds

The blue ones were originally going to be there but they messed up (not CLYW’s fault) per CLYW

Love the engraving! I hope they keep the engraving when they splash em.

I’m sorry, but…

They’re** (:

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wow… I’m normally really good about grammar. Guess I shouldn’t be doing this at work. Hahaha.

Edit: I see nothing wrong. ::slight_smile:

they look so good. I might have to get it as an early Christmas present haha

For yourself, right?

And… I spent all my money on a One Drop. #WaitForARestock #HastagsAreAnnoying
The engraving is awesome. I almost set my Instagram profile picture as it. But copyrights though.

I would get one but, need to save the money for Disney, coming up in 3 weeks. Definitely on my radar though.

When are they coming out? All I see is 21@ 1pm. Is it November or December 21? Thanks mang!

look more carefully.

After watching YGS 100 like^^^

SUPER interested in this throw, if it plays anything like the orca, i’m in.

of course for myself! This throw will be MINE!!

I ordered a green one :slight_smile:
I believe the second run will hit before Christmas, and I’m guessing they’ll send some of them to YYE.

Technically… Wouldn’t it be “it’s”? To me, it sounds like the title refers to Borealis as singular (but I don’t know the plural. Boreali?) and “they’re” usually goes with plural nouns, but what do I know… 2+2=4? Yes, I know that…

haha this made me crack up :smiley: