The American or Element?

I’m going to buy a new Gentry signature, and I’ve narrowed it down to the Element and the American. I would love to hear what you guys think about them and which one you think I should get.


I don’t have a great objective reason for it but I prefer the American


They are very, very different. I like The American waaaay more. It has a unique feel and is fun. The Element is fine but takes me a lot of work to keep it stable because I’m not Super Yoyo Guy. This is not a judgement on the Element, it’s just that it’s not my thing and I don’t like it that much. It’s a fine yoyo that I am sure lots of people prefer to the American. From my own experience and based on my skill level, I’d recommend the American.


How do you find the American compared to the Sutter?


I prefer the American to the Shutter but the American is supposed to bridge the gap between the Super G and Shutter. There is no way to tell you what yoyo you will like more. If you are looking for a more unique-feeling yoyo the American is it.

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I only played the American for a little bit, but I really liked it. I have the Element and like it too, but @ChrisFrancz is right that they are so different.

Do you want a wide yoyo? The Element is wide. The American is closer to the Shutter.


I’m really just looking for something that feels unique and it sounds like the American is the way to go for that.


The American feels unique and as you can see the shape is pretty cool.

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Thanks for the help guys I’m going to buy the American tonight!