The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Not picking a fight, just an observation dw lol

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Idk that’s still close enough for it to be hilarious to me lol

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It’s all good. They are similar.


it kinda is and thats funny as hell.

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If any fixie heads are interested: FS: Homebrew MR85 bearing blanks for SW/MK1 yoyos


Hey all. Pretty new yo-yo-er here with some questions, because I want to do some of this 0A play! I got my first yoyo that’s in y’alls style, from what I can tell from this thread, and I could use some advice.

I’ve been yo-yoing for a couple of months. I’ve gotten through the basic responsive tricks and now am into the My First Speed Combo range with the unresponsives. I found this thread, saw some of your videos, loved it, and ordered a The Thing and a Legend Wing and want to try doing what y’all are doing.

Two questions:

First: this thread is… amazing, and also a huge and unnavigable mess. Is there any basic central, I don’t know, starter place for those of us who want to try to slowly walk this path? (And is trying to learn your stalls and varials and stuff just too hard for somebody currently in the perfecting my barrel roll/poppin fresh stage of tricks?)

Second: I can’t figure out my The Thing. I love the balance on it already, but I have problems with the responsiveness. I have not dealt with a yoyo like this before. I have no problem executing tricks with my standard responsive (a Shooting Star and a First Base) and getting it to return.

The Thing showed up and was pretty unresponsive, so I added a drop of responsive lube and now it’s returning from a basic sleep. But if I do any kind of reasonable small trick with it - like a brain twister or a few barrel rolls or even just a trapeze - it won’t return. Is the problem that my technique isn’t good enough yet for this high walled narrow stuff and I should just practice? Should I add more lube? Is it supposed to be semi-responsive and am I supposed to learn some regens? Should I have used silicone grease instead?

Thanks! Y’all are very inspiring, too.


An awesome community member and someone who is both participating in FAF 2024 and has helped many of us learn awesome stuff including making a video tutorial from a question asked @Overtinkering has a fantastic playlist of 0a / modern responsive tricks


Thanks @Captrogers appreciate that shout out.
Yeah @rorschah check that link i have tried to build it from the basic trapeze stall upwards and each building up. Check it out and if there is another detial or trick you don’t see just reach out to me. And I’ll see if I can make a specific video to that Gap or point in the right direction.
There are a few other tutorials out there and if you’ve watched them and still need another perspective or angle perhaps something in mind will be just the thing you needed to make it click! :ok_hand:


I was wondering where to start too. Thanks @Overtinkering and you too @Captrogers


@Slestak75 and @rorschah I recommend checking out the Fixed Axle Collective discord group. It’s a nice quiet place to talk fixie stuff and ask for advice.


0A is pretty self explanatory with the fixed Axel.

Modern Responsive is a gray area. These types of yoyos split 2 defined styles. 0A and 1A.

Typically, depending how you want to play, you tune these yoyos to lean towards the style.

Example: We put grease or thick lube in the bearing to make the yoyo More Responsive/Less spin time when leaning towards 0A.

Conversely we remove lube for longer spin time when leaning towards 1A. We may also address gap width by putting thicker or thinner string on the yoyo.

Basically there is no cookie cutter Modern Responsive at this time. To play one way, we sacrifice a little the other.

The beauty is that these yoyos tuned to your play style can play both ways.

The Thing is a good yoyo and comes stock with Grease in it. You may need to check string tension to increase response. Try playing it with a little tighter string tension, not neutral.

Have fun.


That’s awesome you’re diggin’ fixed/responsive stuff! It’s never too early to learn stalls and varials. Go for it! There’s a few places to learn basics and tricks. If you ever have any specific questions about the basics, maintenance, tricks, etc., a lot of us on this forum would be more than happy to answer questions.

As mentioned, Overtinkering makes great tutorials, there is also these Ed Haponik tutorials in the “Learn” section here at Yoyoexpert:

You can also check out Bandalores on Instagram:

Look up Ed Haponik, Drew Tetz, and Kyle Nations on YouTube or Instagram to see highly experienced players bust out cool tricks for inspiration.

Browse through Ed Haponik’s blog for philosophy, vibes, info, etc. He hasn’t post there in a while(we need more posts Ed :crazy_face:) but there is a lot of cool stuff in there and I feel like it’s worth mentioning for someone interested in the world of fixed axle.

As for The Thing, I mostly play fixed axle. When get a bearing responsive throw, I deshield the bearing and jam as much Vaseline in the bearing as I can, and put the shields back on. It makes it very responsive and snappy but cuts down on spin time. Lol, so maybe don’t listen to me on that one. But, that’s what I like.

Anyway, welcome! And like I said, if you ever have any more questions, ask away! A lot of us here are more than happy to help and talk yo-yo.


Ed Haponik’s YYE tutorials are also in a convenient playlist here:


I prefer silicon grease but DocPop usually ships them pre-greased if you got them from him. You might just be able to add a dab more and get the response you want. Throw a few hard pinwheels after you grease to work it around. If all that doesn’t work, I’d probably clean the bearing and start over.

You can also get more response if you use a thicker string. Between those two I would hope you can get it to a response you’re happy with.

If you bought preowned you might check that the response pads are in ok shape as well…


@DocPop is active on this forum. You’d do best to ask him directly how he likes to set up his The Thing. Also ask if there were specific limitations with the Doc Pop Thing that have been rectified in the PLTPS, which seems to be it’s successor.

If the pads and bearing are good, I would look into polishing the inner walls to a satin finish with some 000 steel wool


All the tutorial vids I’ve watched have been here on YYE or on YouTube. Many vids are getting old (10 years+) and predate the terms 0A or modern responsive

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The Thing is a Toybania throw; Doc Pop just has his own edition.

I think if anything the PLTPS is a spiritual successor to the Pop Art. It was made with modern responsive freehand as the primary use case.


@Overtinkering’s playlist is pretty new. Recorded in the last year-ish.

@yomartyo recorded new tutorials for last year’s Fixed Axle February trick ladder. You can check out those threads here: Search results for 'Fixed axle February week @yomartyo ' - YoYoExpert Forums

Also, I think you’re going to be happy with FAF2024!


You’re probably right about the Pop Art. It was the profile pics of the plastic rims that connected them in my mind

There’s definitely good stuff in the new playlists, I’m loving the freehand 0A trend. More that I was surprised Jess’ vids have been on YouTube for 13 years and I’ve only watched them in the last 6 months.

Can hardly wait for FAF, only one more sleep


That’s pretty crazy! I’ll need to ask Bryan about that because it’s so close. I’ve never hear of therian lol.

This was another early design he came up with for the 0A symbol: