The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Anyone have a wood z they would sell me?

I apologize if this has been asked before but I used the search function and couldn’t find a specific answer. Im primarily a 1a player but wanted to try this 0a thing out. I picked up a zodiac and was wondering how much thin lube I need to use to make it responsive? Also can I run the bearing without the shields and still get same results with thin lube? Thanks in advance for any help!

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Zodiac is a bit too heavy and wide for good 0A play but if that’s all you got, you can make it work.

You want thick lube, not thin. Although if you have a half spec bearing, lube won’t really make much of a difference. If you have silicon grease that works too.

My recommendation is to head to a wal mart or target, pick up a butterfly XT for $3.50 and learn 0A that way. Much better than the zodiac.


Thanks for the response. So funny thing about Canada, butterfly xt’s at Wal-Mart are 28$ and only available online. I was gonna go grab one on my lunch but guess ill have to find something else. Cheers! Have a great day!

Damn Canada… guess it was my fault, typical American assuming everyone else lives in America.

Can another Canadians chime in here? Best place to pick up a cheap fixed axle or transaxle 0A throw? The zodiac is great for “semi responsive” play, where you mix 1A elements with 0A. But it’s super heavy and thick so it’s not the best for stalls and flips.

I would send you a butterfly XT from my collection but I’m guessing international shipping would be more than 28 bucks lol


A YoYoFactory One isn’t too bad, either.

If you want to try 0A with a fixed axle, a YoYoFactory Legend Wing is pretty good, especially for the price.

For making a bearing responsive, I use a silicone lubricant I get in the hardware store plumbing section. I think it’s this video in which Doc Pop talks about something similar.


I use dielectric grease from the hardware store as well :ok_hand:


You may want to check out/call local toy stores if you haven’t already. I’m in Toronto and found a toystore that had a small bin full of Butterflies for ~$6 each. Not sure how you feel about amazon but they have XT’s for ~$12


Thanks all! Excellent responses. Actually thats why I picked the zodiac, I was thinking of trying mix up my 1a play a bit and heck, it was on sale for 20usd here on expert. I have dielectric grease at home too so ill lube it up with that and give it a whirl. But now im curious to why a simple star burst response yoyo is so expensive here. If you do the conversion for usd the zodiac was cheaper, less shipping of course. I did find a toy store with yyf ones in stock. So maybe ill grab one and play around untill the zodiac comes in. Looks like they also have whips, thoughts? Thanks again!

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Either butterfly (standard, or XT) will be great for 0A style play if you can get them. You could also try the YYF Confusion (still in stock at YYE), slim gap and an A-bearing. While its a little on the heavy side at 55g, its the most readily available purpose designed bearing responsives. Grease up that bearing, and swap response pads to your liking and enjoy. The Confusion is one of the few bearing responsives that I havent tried yet, but it has a nice profile and the gap width is just right. The weight (even though its only
5% heavier than my deep state or Respawn lite) is what has held me back lol

Confusion yo-yo by YoYoFactory – YoYoExpert


The whip, while probably one of the best yoyos for the money period, isnt quite right for 0A style play. The wide organic profile won’t really help control stalls or regens. You want something relativley high walled, which is why people have been recommending the Butterfly variants, or the Legend Wing, or the YYF One


If I’m not mistaken the Zodiac was modeled after the original Confusion profile, just wider and heavier. So yea, a confusion would be a great choice for a beginner responsive.

He had the right idea picking up the zodiac, but once you start to try other lighter yo-yos like the Daytripper or deep state, it’s hard to go back to the heavier ones for traditional 0A play.


Yeah I think you’re right about that. The design language is certainly strong between them lol. You’re also right about the weight, that 45-53g range is the sweet spot for 0A I think, but 55g should still be just fine.


We’ve talked about this before, we have very similar yoyo preferences. :joy:

But yeah a confusion would be great, good recommendation. Forgot those were still on sale.


Well I’ve certainly learned a lot this morning. Thanks again everyone!


i made a quick lunar kickflip tips video for a friend. Thought i might as well post it here.

My lunar kickflips arent extremely straight, but i can land them with acceptable consistency. Hopefully someone wil find some useful info here.


Ive been attempting lunar kickflips for 3 weeks and havent hit a single one lol


Found my old FHZ (even had the original string)… now to just find my FH2


New review up! Wood Z


Got in mine and @DCorella’s recent fixed axle design in last night. Love the shape and profile. Super easy to catch stalls and varials, and the walls give lots of control for regens and planet hops.

My only complaint right now is the response isn’t quite right, its close though. Its somehow too responsive under normal spin conditions, meaning it loops upwards and shoots the moon forward instead of upwards doing normal motions. Can loop/STM correctly if i asjust my technique pretty significantly from normal, but it feels wrong. The yoyo is also not quite responsive enough at low rpms, like snap starts and relaxed regens after stalls.

Super fun overall, but still needs some work to get it where we want it. Going to try two changes, reducing gap width and reducing the size of the response dips around the axle. I hope those two changes will help snap starts while reducing overall response levels.