The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Its a transaxle, but Spinstars are good responsive throws and can handle modern responsive 0A. I have a couple and even Zipline has a rebranded one.

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Yeah I have the yoyofactory plus which is the one in the picture and I compared it to the spinstar and it looks almost identical but the performance might be different ? so I was just wondering if I can even pull off some 0a tricks with this yo-yo and if it’s possible :sweat_smile:


Playing 0A on a transaxle is fun! Learning how to throw basic stalls and some simple loops like shoot the moon on a transaxle was what made me want to play fixed axle! The response on mine feels a bit sluggish and delayed compared to playing on a real fixie, but that didn’t really affect learning tricks or the amount of fun I had on it. Just be sure to double wrap the axle if the response isn’t quite consistent enough. I’ve heard putting some grease on the inside of the axle sleeve can help too, but just double wrapping the string around the axle was enough for me.


Thanks !! I found that mind was pretty slippery too while playing with it but I will check that out thanks :+1:t2::wink:


Started fixed axle last month and have played nothing but that for one month straight, starting on month 2 today. I’m in love with this style of play, it’s amazing and feels right somehow


I hit like 1 out of every 30 varials and I get so PUMPED every time. kickflips are quickly approaching a 60% success rate.


I’m 1 for 500+ on Varials, so your rate is impressive!


Any tips on varials?

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It’s often easier with a bit less string than you typically use for a kickflip.
Pull straight up with your free hand and push or pull the string against the wall with your throw hand.
It does NOT take much to get it spinning, especially if the yoyo is light. Pull kind of sharply as opposed to the whole time you are lifting with your freehand. It’s a discrete motion.
Try to spin it slowly and bend your knees to follow it as it falls as you spot the landing. It can be helpful to JUST practice getting it spinning in a 360 consistently and don’t even worry about catching it until you feel pretty consistent on that part.
They are hard. Don’t get frustrated. :slight_smile:


I actually was just going to respond to this and say when I’m successful with varials, its usually a smaller trapeze stall than I do for a kickflip. My second tip would be that actually pinching the string with your TH thumb/index finger was very helpful for me. The last tip I would give is make sure you’re throwing straight up, and don’t try and catch right away. It almost helps to look down on the trick.


Just posted a fun video over in this thread of me nailing 6 kickflips in a row lol


Walmart was fully cleaned out of all yoyo and yoyo-adjacent products. On one hand, bummer. On the other hand, pretty much a guarantee that anything that when they restock they will be good new mold joints.


Same at my local Walmart. Eyes peeled for the new butterfly’s.


I put the squad to work around town. Everyone has a trip to Target or Walmart planned so I’ll canvas like 8 stores via proxy by the end of the week, lol.


Inspired by all the Butterfly talk as well as @Exmime awesome collection and post, I snagged a 1986 3058NP model. Out of the box the axle was a bit sticky but surprisingly I was able to smoothly remove the halves and readjust and now its playing well. Not sure if that was more common in older models. Im sure it will slip out again so will probably need to glue the halves when I get them how I like them. Really love the graphics on this version


That was my second yoyo. No idea what ever happened to it, I keep an eye on them on eBay. One of these days I’m going to buy one. My memory may be off, but I believe mine had gold foil instead of the silver. Have to look into it more.


Is a shuv it the same as a varial flip? If so I finally landed one!!!

Not exactly but similar:
For a shuvit you “spin” the stall to establish tension/torsion and as it spins back you pop it up letting it continue to spin and catch the loop as in a Kickflip.
For a Varial, you push or pull the string against the side of the yoyo as you pop up from a stall and land the yoyo back on the string after 1 or more rotations.
For a Varial Flip, you are simultaneously doing a Kickflip motion and a Varial motion resulting in a half-flip and 180 rotation before landing back on the string. (Half of a 360 Flip).


Is there a collection of fixie tricks and their names?

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Bandalores on youtube has a bunch. Its been a great resource. One of @edhaponik’s channels if I’m not mistaken