The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

I also prefer a 1 piece like @GnarlyCharlie but you do you.

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1 piece dazzling Dave wood is fantastic and so worth it. It’s been in rotation since I got mine and it shows. A yyf boho is an okay wood that’s cheap and easy to get depending on where you are.

A no jive or tmbr are like peak wood in my eyes and a spinworthy or nic Australian YoYo’s are like a luxury model.

Ed Davidson looks pretty and play okay.

Wildwoods only really makes stuff when schools out but those are amazing.

Jon gates bought a big cnc and posted about it on Instagram so I imagine he is cooking up something cool.

Alex Morton with freshly dirty is doing his cool wood rover those should be hitting before FAF2025.

Lots of cool stuff on the horizon.


I was gonna mention that I am trying to get a No Jive for Christmas, and if you guys recommend it… but I received an indirect, overwhelming, yes!

Thanks for all the knowledge!


Unless you know a guy that 3D prints replacements! But you have to know the guy and have the secret password AND say Please.


My family came from Canada, I know my way around a “Please” and a “Thank You”, not to mention a “Sorry”.


What’s this FD Rover? I haven’t seen anything about that, but I’m curious now.

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We need the Flap Jack!

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Even with that my capacity is pretty low and doesn’t make them that much more available.


This is why I had Colin make me a stash of axles years ago :grin:


I’d like to make my own cotton string for wood axle yo-yos— do you guys have a preferred brand/type? (I’m not very picky when it comes to string)

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I haven’t tried a ton of cotton but I would recommend Zipline’s Kot’n strings.


Has anyone tried yoyoexpert bulk cotton? If you have, what do you think of it?


Is absolutely perfect.

Sure. You could buy fancier string - but its not necessary.
Has a good life length, breaks in quick, and can be bought in bulk.


If I was using it on a wood axle yo-yo, say, the “No Jive”, how often would I replace the string?

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Only as needed. Stays fresh about a solid hour of play and is still strong enough for a day or two of casual play. (For me)


The big difference between zipline kotn/kotn SE and the bulk cotton I’ve tried is zipline takes a lot longer to break in (or, honestly, to respond at all without a bunch of tension) but they last a LOT longer.

@snoopy A month ago I would’ve only recommended zipline for your cotton needs, but since trying yye bulk cotton, I have to say, it can actually play better in a lot of my throws than the zipline.

You can’t go wrong with either, honestly. I like having both. Zipline definitely plays better on some. YYE bulk plays better on others.


It’s changed a tad but this

I’m egging on Alex to get them in by February and sponsor FAF2025. We will see what happens though.


Yes!!! I’ll even take make your own if Alex doesn’t want to glue them he’ll he can ship them to me and I’ll glue them and drive them up to Arthur lol. I’m so in on a flapjack.

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I main yye bulk cotton or Tom khun cotton on a majority of my woods on special occasions I use some zipline kotn


I use YYE Type10 cotton probably 90% of the time. TK cotton is also very nice I just don’t have nearly as much of it. And then of course there’s the amazing Kot’N that I save for my fancy wood fixies.