The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

That’s the stuff I was thinking was type 10. I actually just emailed YoyoExpert to confirm.

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Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 4.07.28 PM
these are the options, they do specify a type10 in white so idk.

That’s what confused me. Only “extra long” is specifically listed as type 10. I’m assuming it’s all type 10 if it’s the same product page, but you never know.

@YoYoExpertEric @AndreBoulay Would you happen to know if the cotton string on the site is Type 10?

I ordered standard and the one listed as Type 10 White.

Its easier to replace strings on the fixies for response verse lubing or replacing the bearings.

They also restocked the white slick 6?

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Oh they had the extra long type 10 when you ordered? Dang I was late to the drop.

Ohh dang yall buying it before I even knew it was there is

Wait… wow I’m not sure how I didn’t see “type 10 white”. It’s still in stock and that’s definitely what you should get.

I sent a message to see if they could swap it out for me.

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Or do what I did. Get both…

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The hardest part about ordering just 100 pack of cotton strings is not adding more stuff into the cart. I already have a YYE package out for delivery right this very moment.

That being said… say I were to add more stuff. Hypothetically speaking of course… what should it be?


A pair of Sochi Loop Spinners. WYYC 2023 Edition.


Bearings, pads, caps, belt holders string so many little cart fillers. Heck stickers

I didnt look. Quick in, order strings and out. I am proud of myself.

Mail day a bit early!!

Feels super light and no visible axle on the outside like the pics but it plays pretty smooth after a couple quick throws!
Looks great spinning and has a good hand feel, glad I took the leap and ordered one.

Specs Edit:

2.3 mm gap

26 mm width

54 mm diameter

41.3 grams


Oh that looks sweet!
How much did you pay for it again? I could swear the price just went up.

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If the leather holsters were still in stock I’d totally snag one.

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It was listed at $60 but I had a 10% off coupon