The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

i never understood why gates had the etsy shop still. i have eyed that yoyo so many times and stopped myself cause i don’t “need” it

I’ve also never seen anyone with one.


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Following up on this: Looks like a shipping label has been created!


Keep us updated! I’d love another backup SE.

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I was practicing Makin Da Zines today. It seems like every tutorial does it slightly different, though. Anyway, I ended up getting my No Jive stuck in my hair. He earned the name Dr. Teeth.


Ouch! I’ve done that too but with an unresponsive spinning at full speed. Haha. That was a difficult bearing to clean

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Oh, yeah that had to be bad! Luckily for me, it was the string that was wrapped around the hair rather than hair around the axle. That counts as a new stall trick right?


I’ve been practicing the behind the head Makin’ Da Zines. Haven’t perfected it yet but I can get it 50/50.


That’s got to be a no for me unless I wear a swim cap or something.

Yes definitely! Muppet stall :rofl:

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It’s surprisingly easier than it looks. You just need to not think about the yoyo bashing your head…

  1. Kickflip to one-handed Bunny
  2. Twist-generating Varial dropped into a Bunny > untwist-generating single loop flip > Bunny Flip

Happy Fixed Axle Friday!


I’ve of course smacked knuckles and the backs of my hands but luckily not the face. The other day, however, i tried looping for the first time and I’m pretty sure i tried to chop my collar bone in half :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face: Wow that hurt!

Looks like it’s real! USPS is in possession.


OooWeee. Post some detail pics

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After a weekend with my revived NoJive I can officially declare:
wooden fix axle is hard.

If feels like everything has to be 99.8% perfect at all times or it’s goes off axis or just stops rotating completely or doesn’t respond etc.

While it can be a bit frustrating it’s cool when I put down the NoJive pick up my PLTPS Lite which was one of the more difficult throws for me before and nail a bunch of ticks pretty quickly.

I do like the way it feels compared to bearings, you can really feel the feedback. It reminds me of my beloved Surly fixed gear bike.
I’m getting a feel for string tension and rotation of the yoyo a lot more than my other throws which I believe will pay off as I gain more experience with wood axle and bearing throws.

That being said I don’t know if I’ll be a 100% fixed axle player but I do have 2 other wooden fixies on the way to me. I have to have some freedom of choice, right?


If you participate in fixed axle February on wood next year and modern responsive March you’re likely to notice you’ll improve in consistency overall in all styles.

It’s hard but rewarding


The great thing about this hobby is that it is not a One and done.

We have choices. Fixie is fun to have in rotation for me.

Its about what you enjoy.


Is there a consensus best string for wooden fixed axle or should I get Zipline knot’n?

How often do yall swap out your cotton string? More often then a poly/nylon?

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