The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Stall like tricks are going to feel easier on a fixed axle. While bearings will help more with a string trick or picture trick.

You can do any trick with nearly any YoYo but some like the challenge a classic butterfly shaped fixed axle adds

Also there’s a whole 0A style with stalls as the primary function that while bearing yo-yos can do really leans into the advantages of a wood butterfly shaped yoyo

Some argue fixed axle looping is easier but once you get past basic loops you need a bearing to really excel as the learning curve ramps up hard and the grind is already brutal.


Is it normal to beat the crud out of your knuckles when practicing stalls or am I messing something up?


throw softer, stalls are much easier with soft throws and it stops the pain lol


Been looking at Kuhn’s throws like the Woody as well as Ed Davidson’s work. Davidson’s pieces look like more display that also can play while Kuhn’s look beautiful but more function. Is this accurate or do the Davidson throws play a well as they are beautiful?


thats a fair assumption. Ed Davidsons work is beautiful and playable but the TK stuff is more focused on function while still being a work of art. Both are fantastic but TK has an edge on that front.

With that said the craftsmanship of Davidsons lathe work is next level. one piece, lathework with ornate fixtures. its outstanding and on another level. The low price he puts these up at vs what they could be is wild as well. It blows me away at how affordable his work is to get.

I will note the string ed sends with his yoyos is entirely display level its not great for play but throw some standard cotton on the yoyo and it plays fantastic. Ed puts allot of effort in ensuring balance and precision which is hard for a wood piece and his designs have evolved to more butterfly shaped vs the looping throws he was putting out earlier last year.

personally, im wishing i could snag a few more of ed Davidsons lathe craft this year as its fantastic craft.

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if you really want a wood yoyo thats all play and no fluff go for a spinworth or a john gates wood yoyo. those are solid players all around.

wildwoods is also fantastic but im not sure if eric is back to making stuff quite yet.


It also helps to have softer/more rounded yo-yo shape. I find butterflies beat my hands up quite a bit. This is one of the reasons why I like the RBC.


Eventually you’ll be able to throw a hard stall and not bash your fingers at all. But like @bheinz63 suggested, softer throws to start.

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Are you aiming to do stalls and flips and all those 0A shenanigans? If so, a woody may not be the funnest… unless you’re really trying to hone your accuracy. Of course it can all be done on them, it’s just much more difficult. A good cheap alternative to getting something like a No Jive or SpinWorthy may be a BC Apollo. Like @Captrogers said too, a Jon Gates would also be amazing if you can catch them in stock. Love my Apollo though and you can still find cheap new old stock online.


The YYF Legend Wing is a perfectly acceptable, inexpensive entry wood fixie and is usually not too difficult to find in stock.


And then I ate my words trying to find one. There are lots of good starter fixies. The Butterfly is king; I believe every player should have one (obviously it’s not wood or wood axle).


lol you haven’t checked the stock of those recently. Finding a legend wing is rough I think the boho was in stock in a few places and similar enough


I haven’t played a Boho but I would believe it. I like the engraving.

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I’m still yet to try a BoHo but really want to. This is going to sound oxymoronic, but from the ones I’ve seen that have broken in two, they look slightly better built. The insides of the Legend Wings are pretty rough, but the BoHo internals looked finished.

Legend Wings are awesome. I keep a fresh one in my case.


Wood has a different feel. No two woods play the same, even same model same wood will have variations. To some of us, this is appealing.

Models that stretch across different woods are similar.

I an enabler. Pick one up (Wont matter from who or where). Then once you are addicted, good luck finding the missing wood/models.

Preference will always come i to play.

Modern responsives are just as fun. 0A tricks across both wood and bearing.

For me; I find modern responsives in my pocket for the daily throw. They are more robust and fairly easy to replace or double up compared to wood.

I also have PTSD from snappung a Gnomad in my pocket, so take this with a grain of salt.

Have fun.


Now isnt that what hes calling the new woody? Just the no jive was 3 in 1 adjustable correct?

A No Jive in imperial shape looks a lot like a woody.

Anyone have any experience with WoodbyGates on Etsy?

I had a discount code and got one of these for a decent price. Waiting for it to ship now.


I have to assume that’s John gates. If it is, it should be tops!


I’ve also wondered what would happen if you ordered one. It is Jon Gates, I’ve just only ever waited for stock on his website and ordered that way.