The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Can’t wait for a ton of “what did you get in the mail” posts of No Jives.


I’m interested but I’m not on Instagram :cry:

Man I want to so bad. I doubt there will be any left by the time I get around to it, but I’m holding out hope!

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There are some available right now @Yodaddyo - sorry tagged wrong person. :joy:

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Woooof man I blinked and missed this! :flushed:
…but truth be told I’d solely be getting it for the Ed-factor. Fortunately I’ve got a n.o.s. brand-new no jive set aside that I have looked forward to performing vibe removal surgery on sometime.

There may still be some available. Right now there seem to be about 20 that aren’t claimed.

If I didn’t already have two I would be getting one of these. It is very tempting just to have one that has been set up by Ed, but I feel like other people need the opportunity more than I do.

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i’d like one but some things are too exclusive.

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Ah, I was a little confused by the system and hadn’t seen that some were possibly unclaimed. Thank you for pointing that out! :slightly_smiling_face:

Addendum - I also get confused by the technical side of this forum itself from time to time.

:scream: hopefully I can get onto my husbands instagram before theyre all gone :heart_eyes:

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You should be able to, there are still some left, look at the description for each block of 8, it will say which ones are sold vs not.




Which one did you get? Letty called out to me out of the pack a while back, so I got her. :heart:

I let ed pick :crossed_fingers:t2:
This is gonna produce a fun thread of seeing what everyone got!


There are about 16 left (though some are still on hold) - Laverne looks nice, someone should grab it!


and don’t call me Shirley… :wink:


Vivian is on its way to me!
Can’t wait


I have one on the way. It is a mystery - sellers choice. :wink:


Thanks for the heads up, glad I caught this post!

Yolanda really caught my eye…but she was taken…

I got Dwight.


Finally paid for Val and she will be on the way soon


I glued some bearings today for the first time. I was nervous Id somehow screw things up but MAN am I glad I went for it.

My biggest improved yoyo is my AL butterfly. I was 100% not enjoying it previously and it was one I only ever picked up just to confirm how much I didnt jive with it. Now I love it!!