That used to be my Rev1 Overhaul!

A few years back I met a kid that really seem to like my Overhaul. I loaned it out to him for several days and he was really getting into it. Unexpectedly the family had to move and the Overhaul went across the country with him. Today, the family knocks on the door and the boy offers to return the yoyo. It showed some signs of wear, but the hardcoat on the dif-e-yo is incredible and really looked better than I would have ever expected.

He placed the yo in my hand and his mom thanks us for having let him borrow it and details how much he used it and how much fun he had, how it had kept him busy and out of trouble. Of course any kid hangs their head when mom starts that conversation.

I took him and showed him how to make some strings, did some maintenance on the yoyo while he watched and helped. Put some new pads in it, handed it back to him he quickly started yoyoing.

It’s his now and I’m still looking for an overhaul. Good day!

Anyone experience the joy of lending or giving yoyos?


Some of my friends have expressed interests in getting into yo-yoing so I started loaning out this first base around to my friends who are interested in learning.

Once they get down binds and the basics on that first base I’ve been letting them just pick whatever they want from my case of stuff I don’t use for them to keep.Then I lend out the first base to another person!

I’ve got about 4 friends into it by now, one who has really dove into and got himself an Expedition and Sherpa last week after starting with the first base I’ve been lending around!


Great idea and a great way to get some friends into it!

Thanks for sharing @Alex.


What a lovely story :blush:


Very cool guys!

Back in the early 2000’s I once e-mailed yomega and asked if they could give me some tips or anything for a yoing class I was going to hold at my local library.
A few weeks later UPS drops off a giant box at my front door.
I open it up and there was a couple dozen yomega yos (fireballs and such), instruction books, string packs, lube, yo belt holders, and vhs instructional videos…along with some other goodies.
It was unbelievable! What a dream that was! :heart:
I held the class and boy was it fun giving all the kids free packages full of yos and gear!

But I still had a bunch of left over yos. So I kept them in the trunk of my car and would hand them out to random kids.
I was at a fast food restaurant I worked at yoing during one of my breaks when an older man walked up to me and told me he found what I was doing to be really neat! After having a bit of a conversation with him, he introduced me to his wife and 2 kids. They were just passing through town as they were taking a family vacation.
As they were leaving, I rushed out to my car and got out a couple of the packages and handed them to the kids before they got to their car. The dad was SO excited about it! lol

Good times! I bet those kids still have fond memories of this moment! :slight_smile:
ha! Come to think of it, they’re not kids anymore but young adults by now!


one of my friends loaned me a yomagabrain when I was 9 and I broke it I felt so bad that I lied for a few weeks and said that I had lost it then I brought him a Magic YoYo n9 and told him the truth and he laughed and said that had been planing on buying a new yoyo and giving the yomagabrain and told that if I ever broke one of his yoyos again just tell and he would be cool with. and till this day if I even catch a yoyo im going to replace it with an even better yoyo then the one the person had