That lost spark...

We all have been through it or are yet to go through it. That point when you feel the flame of excitement with whatever had to do with yoyoing begins to die out. Even if it is just a hobby, we all hope to get better at it through the years, right? But at times, our efforts to become good at what we do sometimes seem pointless and we decide to be comfortable at the intermediate/begginer level skills we have attained.

To those who feel like they are stuck in limbo skillwise or are just in need for some inspiration, i’d like to share with you something Ira Glass mentioned a few months ago.

“What nobody tells people who are
beginners — and I really wish
someone had told this to me . . . is
that all of us who do creative work,
we get into it because we have good
taste. But there is this gap. For the
first couple years you make stuff,
and it’s just not that good. It’s
trying to be good, it has potential,
but it’s not.

But your taste, the thing that got
you into the game, is still killer. And
your taste is why your work
disappoints you. A lot of people
never get past this phase. They quit.

Most people I know who do
interesting, creative work went
through years of this. We know our
work doesn’t have this special thing
that we want it to have. We all go
through this. And if you are just
starting out or you are still in this
phase, you gotta know it’s normal
and the most important thing you
can do is do a lot of work. Put
yourself on a deadline so that every
week you will finish one story.

It is only by going through a volume
of work that you will close that gap,
and your work will be as good as
your ambitions. And I took longer to
figure out how to do this than
anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna
take awhile. It’s normal to take
You’ve just gotta fight your
way through"

And sorry for the long post :slight_smile:


Seems to be the way with all things. We tend to write off other people’s success as “talent”, as if it’s something they have and we don’t. The person’s a genius, prodigy, or a natural. In reality, the difference between the few people who are great and the many people who are good is that those few were willing to suck for a lot longer without giving up.


My talent comes from harnessing natural “gifts” I have and then learning the technology and additional skills necessary to allow me to realize what I want to do. It’s hard work and I’ve suffered immensely. Would I change anything? Not one thing.

The only reason I can yoyo is through sheer WILL, coupled with an enormous amount of practice. It’s not that the yoyo and I don’t get along, it’s just that this isn’t really something I was meant to be doing, at least not as a main thing. Still, I practice, I keep at it. It can be frustrating, but even so, it’s still relaxing and enjoyable.

What’s also good is that I’m building myself a support network for yoyo, mostly because yoyo people don’t seem to going around doing “back stabbing” stuff. Maybe they do, I don’t know, I don’t see it and I’m not gonna look for it either. But back to this network. I formed my own meets, which aren’t going great, but I’ve met some amazing people and people I still throw with on a regular basis. I go to meets to meet other people and get additional help. With me participating as sound production on a small portion of the competition circuit, I get exposure to amazing top-ranked players. It just inspires and motivates me to continue to improve.

I’ve already far exceeded my expectations. Why stop? Why not push harder and improve more? Maybe I’ll never be “Andre Boulay” good. Chances are I’ll never be a 10th of the player Andre is. I’m just throwing a name around. Insert any other great player and I’ll never be a 10th of that. This doesn’t stop me. I always strive to improve. I might as well get a good as I can get with this toy.

I also understand that whatever natural talents the top ranked yoyo’ers have, they didn’t get there by chance. Natural talent can only take you so far. Those talents must be tapped, utilized, pushed, practiced and perfected.

Then it also comes down to “how much do you really want this”. For me, I really want this a lot. Not for the sake of being competitive, but to be able to engage in an activity that has always fascinated me and I found amazing. At the same time, we also must be willing to walk away. If we walk away, either that wasn’t for us, or we’ll come back to it.

Indeed, it is ironic that from the frustrations of trying to land a trick, we find ourselves relaxing as well :slight_smile:

Like you said, practice, perseverance and your personal will to improve will eventually get you to be a pretty good player. Just as it is with everything else in life.

Thank you! That was really very inspiring. I must remember to read that if I ever hit another wall like I did three years ago, when I quit until I got back into it again last year.

You are welcome :slight_smile: