I just want to take the time and give a huge huge huge awesome fluffy hug and say THANK YOU to all the members of the forum for giving me over 3000 thank you’s! ^ ^
It honestly means a lot to me, as it means that many people found my post to be helpful and valuable.

I hope that my achievement can be an example for everyone on the forum so that they will also wish to be one of the most helpful and valuable people on the site, and make post that are helpful and valuable to all! Best advice I can give is, don’t be afraid to be yourself, don’t be afraid to speak your mind, and enjoy yoyoing, cause if you enjoy it, others will tell, and your post will show that you have a love for it, and that will be appreciated by many. ^ ^

Again, from the bottom of my wolfy cheetah heart, THANK YOU! And I am looking forward to serving you all further, and for a wonderful future!

hugs and fluffs you all
throws glitter all over everyone




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Shouldn’t this go in the Unrelated Section?..LOL.

Anyway, congrats!

good artist yeah?

No. Congrats Josh! You’ve helped a lot!

You ain’t no cheetah, you the MAN (wolf)!!!

For this I will do it


Here we go

Woof… Did that work.

Yeah! i have had this fox in my folder forever waiting to use it!

oh yes! fox luv forevah <3

Dang! And there I was, thinking you reaching 1,000 was insane.

Everyone must really love me.
Understandably so
^ ^

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