I do not… there are a few locals that are helping me with organization and logistics. There are several people getting airbnb’s to stay the night. I’ll most likely be driving in as I have a daddy daughter dance the night before… I’m in Abilene.
$12 game card for $10 added to competitor costs? Heck Yes!
$12 Game card for $10 added to competitor costs? Um… NO!!
This will be strictly for the competitors. General Admission is probably going to be $5 or Free if you purchase a T-Shirt via pre-sale. I haven’t quite decided. If you have an opinion, please let me know. This is my current conundrum ATM.
Oh yeah! All gold and Platinum level sponsors have the option to sell, and Silver level sponsors will have product for a “Try Me” Table. https://yoyocontest.com/texas/sponsors
Gold Level sponsors that HAVE confirmed (so far still working to confirm from others) that they will have product for purchase at the event:
GSquared, SF, Unspoken, YoYoFriends
And our Platinum Sponsor - RevPunx, will have some cool stuff on hand, product to purchase and some other perks only they get.