
        Oh hey guys. So I've been throwing for about two years now but recently I have developed tendonitis... I talked to a physiotherapist about it and its most definitely from yoyoing. Has anyone else had similar issues? Or is it just me...

There’s lots of repetitive motion. It can happen to anyone. Typists, drummers, keyboardists, techs, other musician… Rest more or change up styles.

This cannot be just you. Seriously. There has to be others, perhaps many not seeking treatment. Take care of this!

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This has not happened to me!

Is it possible to get better?

Or am I just ignorant?

I would see an acupuncturist and describe the pain youre feeling and the movements you think are causing it. They will poke you with the needles and tweek them…it might feel like heat or kind of an electrical tingle similar to when your foot falls asleep. Most likely theyll have you lay there with the needles plugged in for about 30 minutes or longer. When they take them out you will probably feel a ton of relief.

It does tend to be expensive though and insurance probably wont cover it. Expect to spend around $50-$100 for a 1 hour-or-so session.


I second Memoria’s suggestion. I’ve had numerous acupuncture sessions, for various maladies, all with desired results.

Its a shame it isn’t covered by insurance. Many people are skeptical of acupuncture, but it does work.

I had pretty bad RSI (repetitive strain injury) and stopped yoyoing for almost a year.

I actually found that light yoyos can make it worse, as you tend to compensate by throwing harder.

I found that the most strain actually came from the yoyo “thunking” at the bottom of the string - which is why I prefer narrower gaps and one of the reasons I don’t like concave bearings.

The second biggest strain is when you bind and the yoyo pulls on the string. If you’re using a heavy yoyo or it is spinning very fast, it will put a lot more strain on your wrist as the yoyo bites into the string - so try not to throw too hard, rather work on smoothing out your playing and getting the absolute most from a throw as possible.

Another factor is string placement. The further away you place the string on your finger from your wrist (closer to the tip), the more leverage it generates, placing huge amounts of pressure onto your finger, hand and wrist.

Personally, I would see a Chinese doctor (or physio who does acupuncture), take an extended break and slowly get back into it, using a yoyo with a narrow gap and without a string centering bearing (I love the original Speeder with hybrid response, flat bearing with the gap cranked all the way). I would also try placing the string loop near the base of your finger and see if that helps.

I saw a bunch of western doctors and specialists, none of whom helped at all. Eventually a trip to a Chinese doctor and an extended break did the trick.

Like others have said, take a break. Stretch your wrist before throwing and slowly build up your strength and tolerances.

Good luck!

Okay, this is not good, I am both a drummer and a yoyoer and I do both VERY frequently. My throw arm has started to hurt a little bit, which worries me.

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That’s not good, I’d see a doctor.

Same here. Drummer and yoyoer. I’m left handed but throw right handed. I have definitely found throwing effects my shoulder, I have an issue where my left hand sometimes freezes up drumming, (it’s happened on and off for at least 10 years) or more accurately the grip starts to freeze. However I have a feeling that’s more of a cramping of the nerves rather than tendons. I find stretching my fingers helps both throwing and drumming.

@Sniffyo on twitter

Off topic but I wonder what percentage of yoyoers are drummers too. haha… I’ll make a survey lol.

Probably a lot. I think throwing and drumming are very similar acts. Only one of them seems to bug the neighbors though.

@Sniffyo on twitter

Off topic but I wonder what percentage of yoyoers are drummers too. haha… I’ll make a survey lol.
I play drums with a jazz group every Saturday :slight_smile:

Glenn Godsey

I used to play cello and yoyo, but I quit cello… I didn’t think much of it until now, but my fingers would sometimes become rigid… glad I quit. hasn’t happened since. I’m so sorry that this happened to you, my best wishes in your direction :’(

Haha… And I used to play drums a bit too! Nothing too serious, just a few jam bands really. Would love to start playing again and getting a band together to jam with.

Evan at toxic developed his strings initially because he had a shoulder issue which was exacerbated by other strings he was using. The hazmat was also developed with those issues in mind.

@Sniffyo on twitter

Is there someplace Evan tells this story?


@Sniffyo on twitter

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Having strong and flexible muscles in your hand and wrist is important. I bought a finger-trainer for bass-purposes, but I feel that it generally makes my hands feel stronger.

It’s a fairly common problem with yo-yo players, but it usually takes more than a couple years. Most commonly I’ve seen it with 2a players and guys who have at some point done yoyos full time as a job… Steve Brown, Dave Schulte, I think I heard that even Andre maybe?

I’ve had joint problems with my fingers, but not entirely due to yo-yos… they just haven’t exactly helped.
