Pain from YoYo

Hey guys and gals,

I have been practicing a lot lately but Ive had this pain develop in my finger. It is a sharp pain from my knuckle and it extends through my finger. Has anyone experienced this?? I am going to dial down the amount of practice time but would love to know if anyone has any ideas whats going on.


Either you’re throwing too hard or your yoyo has little rim weight (probably plastics), when it hits the end of the string it “drops” hard hurting your finger.
Or you’ve been practicing 2a in the wrong way.

A yoyo forum probably isn’t the best place to ask for medical advice. If you have a pain you should probably see a doctor.

Take a break or throw less for a bit. Watch how it goes as you moderate your participation.

Switch fingers :wink: that way you never have to stop throwing :wink:


Thanks guys.

I will try the switching finger tactic. If I gets serious I will consult a doctor. I just thought I would ask on here in case it was a common occurrence or a technique error like throwing too hard etc. I appreciate the advice.