Tell me your top three

I’ll take that Third Impact off of your hands if you don’t like it so much anymore ;D

Titanium shutter

I am bummed, they don’t make the forge anymore :cry:

Actually, I believe he did design it. I recently saw he has 3D models of it on his Instagram. It is by smashing yoyos but he designed it (I think). :wink:


  1. 2014 benchmark O (OD)
  2. Shutter
  3. Jackknife

I really really like the 2014 Benchmark O.

Core co standard
Core co tako
A-rt jr

No Jive
Modded Speed Dial

I know that’s a weird 3rd choice, but I just love playing with it.

What’s the mod? :slight_smile:

It helps with unresponsive play, but it doesn’t bring performance up your typical budget level. Still, for some reason I really enjoy it. There’s something frantic about it. Sometimes I place O-Rings in it for rim weight as well.

However, mostly I love it for responsive play.