Tell me why I don’t need to look for a new yoyo

yyf tiny rainbow color new

Clyw ditch used

ZGRT janus used

Lol…there goes the 12 hrs of overtime money i got this week :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey at least you picked up some really awesome yo-yos. The Janus is fantastic.


What trick or kinds of tricks do you want to learn? That will help answer the question. Can’t learn off string tricks with a 720 looper. Discover what you like to play tick wise and what you want to learn in the future.

To keep it simple, I think about past generations of throwers and what they had at their disposal. Kids with fixed woods were doing some incredible tricks through just sheer practice determination.

More recently, growing up in the 90s I had to save up a lot for a good yoyo, which for me and my friend group was a Yomega. I learned to play with and make the most with what I had.

These days, I’m making one big purchase a year. I had plenty of chances to do a half dozen orders of easily 25+ yoyos this month from the YYF sale. I made one of six yoyos. I wanted more but I reminded myself I have enough. I’ll sell what I don’t gravitate towards and work the rest into a small rotation.

Another solution that doesn’t get talked about enough is to throw with others. These forums are a social connection and we need more of that. When I played in the 90s we threw together showing off tricks we learned and challenged one another.


a new yoyo might make learning some tricks slightly easier, but for the most part it’s a skill gap, not the yoyo. shutter was used to win multiple yoyo championships so until you play better than gentry, not sure you need another yoyo.


Is this a challenge :eyes:


There is a clip on IG where Rei Iwakura lands
a 4a trick with a Duncan Imperial, but it doesn’t state that he learned it with that yo-yo.

Also soloham with two Legend Wings.


ill second that

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I would say that instead to look for a new yoyo, look for a new trick, it will be even more satisfying than a new yoyo in the long run :slight_smile: