Tell me which

I have yyf shutter and fallen angel (on the way)

normal, and small size.

I am on the hunt for MMCmo

I dont need a bunch of yoyos, so I kinda wanna hit the main differences in as few as possible.

my next one I was thinking about OD par avion or yoyopalace ethereal. which would be an oversized or a bimetal. both seem cool and something I would enjoy. tell me which to get from your experience that would play differently enough to be noticeable. ok thanks

Haven’t tried an ethereal, but the Par Avion is definitely unique and as powerful as a bimetal.

Atmos is also planning another drop of Pomelos

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I’m just too indecisive sometimes…

ok I will get par avion…

should I spend the extra 20$ and get a splash or get a fade? the fade would look cool spinning but this color might look a little weird with yellow string. the splash will look better not spinning qnd with yellow string.

how do I create a poll?

I would love a pomelo! but they are out of my price range :frowning:

someone showed me this one so I snagged it in a hurry
good deal hot hot hot

no one cares please delete thread lol (resolved)