Taking offers

Tough times and money required. Taking offers on these. Please message me and I’ll do my best to get back asap. Going to take offers for a couple days unless I get some insane one. Thanks for looking, Ben


Wow, not every day you see a Project that rare. Those are the some of the earliest protos of the Project, given out by Colin! Amazing history piece.


What is the throw from Caribou?

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Bear vs man?

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Sorry forgot to add any descriptions :crazy_face:

One drop Project PDX
from PDX Yo-Yo Club. Back in the day Colin gave them out to everybody.

CLYW Bear vs Man 1st run
If I remember correctly I traded a eetsit for this and a couple M1’s

Then it’s pretty clear on the others I think.


Definitely not Hulk Smash fyi

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Serious? That’s what was told originally and have just ran with it. Funny tho and I feel kind of dumb.

Don’t think that BvM had a specific colorway name. I think it was just grey with green splash. Correct me if I’m wrong.

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Got the below from the yoyo wiki. You got the first run on your hands, of the yoyo that made the splash anodization popular. Great piece.

The Bear vs. Man (often abbreviated as BvM) is the signature series return top of Boyd Seth, produced by CLYW. The first production run was silver with a green splash anodized finish. At a time when Caribou Lodge did not produce large quantities of return tops, the BvM stood as the first wide-release high-end modern large bearing metal return top to feature a splash anodization. While other metal yo-yos before it did sport splash anodization (such as the legendary SB-2), the technique was not widely embraced as a default color option until after CLYW and their BvM brought it into the mainstream.

The second run of the Bear vs. Man was released in November 2007. It came in 3 colors, blue, gold, and pink splatter on a light grey/silver. There were 11 Blue, 13 Gold, and 13 Pink made total. Not only is this return top rare, but it plays incredibly well out of the box. It also boasts flowable silicone grooves for unresponsive play and very tight binds. The second run of BvMs were shipped to YoYoNation unassembled, and they were then silicone’d and assembled in-house at the YoYoNation office.

The BvM has since been redesigned and re-released in 2013 as the Bear vs. Man Round 2, or BvM 2 for short.

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No Jive 3 in 1 blacked out? :eyes:

Only 33 of those BvMs.

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Yes it’s off the available throws via good offer.

Going to stop the offers tonight 8pm Oregon time. I’ll let the highest offers know then.


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