Take Notice

I don’t like it…

And I wouldn’t go around telling people they lied and laugh at them, that is a one way ticket to hated town.

Also don’t assume everyone likes a yo-yo, everyone has different preferences.


Oh, so now people who leave instead of engaging in some of the more ridiculous and foolish “debates” that occur here are “cowards” are they? You’re kidding, right? Because, you know, yo-yos are serious business. And idiotic arguments about said yo-yos are what seperate the men from the boys, right?

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen, right? This is MAN business, and don’t you forget it. You go crying back to your mama if you can’t handle it! You cowards and sissies need not apply to YoYoExpert! You ain’t got what it takes.


I keep trying to hop back here on the daily and see something worth posting about. There’s an element here, who for unknown reasons remains unchecked, that’s bent on turning this place into something I don’t think it was meant to be.

Not to mention that this thread has some of most uninformed and non-factual posts I’ve seen in a thread here.

Ever given any consideration to actually thinking before you type? Or is it more of a “rolling your face across the keyboard” method with some of you?


I’ve avoided posting in this topic, for lack of something witty to say.

But I just wanted to say that this thread has more what-the-eff-ery than most posts that run around some other forums (which is saying alot)

And don’t say you’re having a debate. You’re having an argument. An argument is a heated debate, and I would consider some of the participants here to be heated. Calling names, pointing fingers, and using mean language.

There’s a difference between telling a beginner that they don’t need an expensive yoyo. But then telling an experienced player and/or collector the same thing is just impudent, really. You can’t run around telling people they don’t need all of these yoyos. I know I don’t need them, but each of them has a certain value to me, and many of them I would hate to see go.


This thread made me wish there was an un-thank button. Also, do a little research before you “preach”. Why on earth would someone get a Mighty Flea as a main player? The Mighty Flea is a novelty, a fun yoyo. It is EXTREMELY difficult to use. Also, I know this was previously mentioned, but Fools Gold is basically a B-Grade from CLYW.

I’m going to go play my Gold XXXXL. Good day.


Hey! Guys, leave him alone! I know I haven’t been here a while, but I am always looking on these forums. Guys like Ebinballer, DocRobot, and Xdhol, none of this would of started if Ebinballer never made that little post about how Spencer L. changed his favorite yoyo to a Dark Magic. I’m sure you guys encounter a yoyo, and you like it better that your other one(s). And DocRobot, don’t start another 3 paragraph lecture on, this and that. Yoyos aren’t,“Man Buisness.” Or,“Serious Stuff.” They are a hobby that people all around like to do. Between a 5-year old, and a 70-year old, people do it for fun, and others are really ito it, then, there are the people who eat, breathe, and sleep yoyo. Some of us aren’t the type that eat, sleep, and breathe it. Like me. Its a hobby, and its good to win in competitions. Please. I know you guys want to keep going on this. Please, don’t. If I were Spencer L. , I’d have enough of this post and what you,ve turned it into. Now please, leave this alone and see the point he tried to make in the beginning.


Thanks, a lot, X. I caught this post just in time. I agree. Please, see the point I tried to make in the beginning and forget about this. Thanks.