SuperYo! Video's

I was at church and I saw some yoyo video’s by SuperYo! So I said to the pastor, "Really?"He said he found them and he gave them to Raphael and I! I’ll post up pic’s later. Oh, and one of them had a bunch of pro’s like, Steve Brown, John Higby, and more!

Yep, thats the superyo Kickin Tricks video!

Awesome vid and shows lots of the great players of the past!


Yeah, that’s the name, BTW, since you had a Renegade, Which person is it by?

Lol here it is! Courtesy @docpop


The greatest yo-yo vhs tape of all time


The intro - footage looks very similar - they reused a bunch of clips from Arne Dixon’s Duncan How to Yoyo video…I still have that VHS dub laying right here in my room :slight_smile:

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