Superwide drops midnight!

So the yyf Superwide is dropping midnight. What are your thoughts and whos gonna get it?

washington yoyo club is gonna get it on sunday

Already in my posession. So I’m just waiting for Sunday come

To those who want to buy one, you won’t be disappointed.

What is the price range? Specs? I want to try one but if I have to hunt down an Aoda I might be a bit upset :stuck_out_tongue: IT doesnt matter anyhow I can’t BUY anything until the 21st anyhow but still :stuck_out_tongue: Wonder how fast these suckas gonna sellout…

I dont know either. I saw alot of hate so i dont think they’ll sell out to fast. If its cheapish 25-35 ill prob get it.

Supposed to be around the price of the Yuuksta last I heard. So around $60

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The Superwide is 65$, seems like a bit much to me. I’d love to see a review of it though, someone buy one and post!

If you like wide yoyos, get it. If you hate wide yoyos, don’t get it. Simple as that. It is a very unique yoyo that plays alot better than you think it would, very little vibe on the string and it DOES come with a YYF bearing or at least mine did

I think there are a lot of people who don’t know if they like wide yoyos, or have never tried wide yoyos. Me included. I do like the concept, and have been looking forward to this release. I’m wondering how much better the Monster will be compared to this and how much more expensive it will be. I’m wondering if it would be worth it to wait or if I should just get this.

Someone please make an unboxing for this! I want to see how it’s packaged.

What’s the difference between the Aoda Miracle and the YYF Superwide?

i didnt like the superwide at all way to wide and big

i want one, but i dont know if i wanna spend 60 bucks on it… sorta expensive for a yoyo that was invented to be sort of a “nic nac” and is to big and wide to use in competition.


At least, IMO, it plays perfectly fine and if you can get used to it would be just fine for competition

dude the whole washington yoyo club did not like it it split open my freinds knuckle and (is) to big for comps

Whoa there dude. I actually really enjoyed it and I’m pretty sure that others did as well.

Whoa there dude. I actually really enjoyed it and I’m pretty sure that others dkyle told me he didnt like and i heard some of the other guys say that

i want one really bad, but cant afford it

notice the bold…

The yoyo splitting open the knuckle is not the yoyos fault. Heck, I’ve split my knuckle open on a Sasquatch, but that’s not the Sasquatch’s fault. That’s my fault for punching the Sasquatch during a whip.

The Superwide is sold out on Yoexpert, not sure about elsewhere. There’s no reason for people to be so defensive about the Superwide departing from traditional yoyo designs. This does not mean the end of traditional yoyo designs. It just means more choices for yoyoers. I love the concept of wide yoyos. They look really interesting.

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