
So I was looking at the Cyber Monday deals and noticed the YYF Superstar was on sale. I have been wanting a yoyo with hubstacks for a while and seeing this one is on sale, I thought I should look into it. I was wondering how it plays (laid back, fast, either or). Just looking for general comments on the yoyo itself and what you guys thought about it. Is it outdated and should stay away from it, if so are there any better yoyos with hubstacks?

I had an old superstar a while back and it played great. I thought the superstar played better when I took off the stacks. The superstar can play fast if you want it to. There aren’t many throw out there that have hubstacks, so if you want to get something with hubstack it would be one of the better ones. imho

Get the bi-metal superstar for 60

Sooo, I haven’t gotten my mystery boxes yet, but I will have the bi metal one soon. I will make an assumption and say it doesn’t have hubstacks though, right?

My bad. I’d get a used YYF with stacks from the BST for cheap; they’re pretty easy to get tired of after awhile, though. Hubstacks were a cool idea but they get old.

It’s a good yoyo. Personally, hubstacks are nothing great. They are fun for the first few days, but after a while, you’ll most likely take them off to increase spin time and decrease vibe.