Superball YoYo, Does It Exist?

And if not, why not?

I’d love to see an unresponsive yoyo with an aluminum hub like the Speedaholic and others, but with the outer rims molded of silicone or whatever rubber they make superballs out of.

The trick potential would be amazing, and if not amazing it would certainly be hilarious. Imagine offstring with one of those babies in a racquetball court.

If this doesn’t exist yet, I think someone needs to come out with one in a big way.


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I’m imagining a battle where people have 6 each on a belt, and one string so they can 4A throw them at each other. Each hit is a point. Highest point total wins. Knockout trumps point count.

Now I’m seeing it at the WYYC, where they take if the training wheels and use Noctu’s instead.


Good lord 4a with a Noctu sounds like an adrenaline rush.

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