Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion

How do you like it? When going to brawl, I usually go to Project M.

I personally can’t stand playing brawl. Pm is great! It’s usually my go to, but I’ve found myself wanting to play melee lately. Just something about it is so good!

What is project M?

A mod for Brawl that adds some key features from Melee into Brawl so that it maintains are more competitive gameplay.

K cool!

So… This thread hasn’t gotten too much chatter… Since this is a yoyo forum, let’s compare SSBM characters to yoyos, I’ll go first. CLYW Arctic Circle = Captain Falcon
They are both fast and light but can still pack a punch and can create some killer combos.

Hmmm shutter= link

Sort of slow, heavy. But is also awesome.

Used to love this game. I did play it professionally a few times, nothing big just winning cash or free controllers or shirts and stuff. I could never find anybody to play with, because nobody liked getting whooped on by me. My main guys were Kirby, and marth. I know Kirby is a noob character, but his ability to take so much damage, and fly back to the arena is his best weapon. The advanced techniques will get you far, but you need to be able to read the situation, have great timing, and utilize all of the items you can.

It’s all Captain Falcon or Wombo Combo in Melee. Brawl was moreso Captain and Ness for Spikers. Like me. :smiley:

I’d say Smooth Move = Ness for his aerial suicide spikes with PK Thunder. And he DOES have Pk powers to float jump so makes sense to me. xD

You play with items? ???

Why not? :wink:

I haven’t been playing this as much lately as I wish I could. :frowning:

I HATE playing with items lol noobish to me.

For serious competition, I agree that they’re not good. But to just have fun and mix things up, I like them.

I know, but he said professionally, so I’m very confused.

When I arrived in my dorm last semester, there was this one guy who always had his door open and almost every night there would be Melee with all four ports occupied. I wanted to play more of it so I downloaded Dolphin and started experimenting with characters. After about two months, the guy whose room we played in admitted that I was the best because I kept a good winning average.
Last month, I ordered a Gamecube controller and an adapter for my computer and have been playing an assortment of games with Dolphin and have ended up becoming familiar with the advanced movement techniques and am now as good at Melee as I am at Halo.

There was a Brawl tournament held in my hall last semester and I almost won but it is quite different than Melee.

Characters I use,
Melee: Sheik, C. Falcon, Ganondorf, Falco, Mewtwo.
Brawl: Olimar, Falco, Snake, and Pit.

Only the Character balance changed really. Controls became less sticky.

I will always Main a pink Captain Falcon or Ness in either brawl or Melee with friends. I’m so going to spame Metal Blade though with the new one for the 3DS. megaMan will SHINE!

Very cool! Yeah, I really dislike Brawl’s gameplay, it seems to really encourage campy gameplay. I’m happy you main Mewtwo, I know he’s a bit too slow in Melee to be up against spacies and the like, but honestly, his uair is just too good and fun. And about Halo, I used to play that too! Took me forever to get four shots down on the BR in H3, and even longer to get the BXR and other button combos on H2. Btw, from what Sakurai said, SSB4 will be more like Brawl, the info on folks over at PM working on it was faulty. I’ll still play it, but I’m still going to play Melee and PM more :slight_smile:

4 is being balanced by namco, so you can rest assured it WILL be fair over all. Namco helped with melee a tad too. But Nintendo asked Namco to help balance it correctly and they helped. I wabnt MEGA MAN…NAO~

Oh I’m not greiving about the balance. It means the gameplay will be similar, slow and defensive based. Have you seen how they made edge hogging extremely difficult?

I have yet to see a defensive game in Brawl or Melee. I literally play the same in both. Captain Falcon is ALL Aerial Comboing/Spiking for me. Same with Ness. That and I use them a lot on Big Blue. xD