Okay. You guys really helped me out on getting my new Yo-yos, and I love ya for it! But how do I get the STRONGEST sleeper possible?? Thanks again!!
Snap your wrist, and just throw really hard. Practice is the key.
Somebody told me to practice on a yo-yo with a narrow response like the Duncan Proyo.(This really helped me, but I am still practicing on my sleeper.) I have read that if you can get a 30 second sleeper on the Duncan Proyo, then you will have a good throw.
I hope this helped.
What Keb said is very true, and a great technique. Also, dont forget that the real key to the “strong sleeper” is straightness. You can blast out a sleeper so hard you throw your arm out of socket, but if that thing is spinning crooked, it won’t last but a couple seconds. I would recommend practicing slow throws at first and making sure they’re absolutely straight, and then work up your strength in steps, again emphasizing straightness.
For example, throw it light until you get it down completely straight. Then throw it just a little bit harder until you get it straight, and so on. Before you know it, you’ll be busting out massive sleep times, and it will help your success during actual tricks as well. This same practice method can also be applied to breakaways.
That, and try to keep your palm facing up until the yo-yo reaches the end of the string.
Make sure your string is the correct length (Elbow to the floor)
Throw hard.
I think this should be more in the tricks section, but anyways. Everybody has said everything you need to know. Strong, Straight, and Practice. You may want to use the search button for more topics on the same question.
Oh, okay sorry. and thanks!
It’s in the wrist. Keep your arm level with the ground curl your forearm and wrist in toward your shoulder. Before you throw take a look at your wrist. Is it tilted or twisted? Straighten it, and then throw. Fallow through, I usually find my in a handshake like position then I turn it palm down level with the floor.

It’s in the wrist. Keep your arm level with the ground curl your forearm and wrist in toward your shoulder. Before you throw take a look at your wrist. Is it tilted or twisted? Straighten it, and then throw. Fallow through, I usually find my in a handshake like position then I turn it palm down level with the floor.
Thanks! You guys are really helpin me out, my sleep is getting better!
Actually, as the yoyo gets about halfway down the string, stop your wrist. Don’t follow through from there.
Actually, as the yoyo gets about halfway down the string, stop your wrist. Don’t follow through from there.
You seem to be helping me through my yoyo “Career” all stages of it! many thanks to you!
Glad I could help. I unfortunately didn’t have any help when I started into yoyoing. The yoyos I ordered were just random picks that looked good (I got lucky with getting the Spinfaktor HG. It’s beast.) The tricks I learned were from random videos I found spread throughout the internet. I don’t exactly want that to happen to new-commers. It can often be something that pushes them out of the hobby/sport.
yeah we are a kind community willing to help newcomers through the path of yoyoing.
but all the advice they gave you is all you need for a strong sleeper
what about a strong break away. as you get into more advance tricks, you will descover that probobly 60% of tricks are used with a breakaway.
to get a strong breakaway, you need to keep in mind everything for the sleeper, and just throw sideways. if you have trouble with strieghtness, then there is an ancient trick to learning to strieghten it out.
face a wall about 5 steps away and throw a breakaway just to get your range. then, after every throw, take a step to the wall. eventually, your throws will be straight as an arrow
I really appreciate it, all of you. And my break away does need work! I never even noticed! Thanks MR. Yo!!!
Once you get your sleeper/breakaways pretty solid and then start moving into learning tricks, most likely you won’t really need to practice your throws anymore–at least, not too much. As you practice the tricks, you’ll inevitably learn to strengthen and straighten your throws. That’s sort of my experience, anyway.
Okay! Gosh, I’d be lost without this place. And just so you know, by using these tips I’ve gone from a 5-10 second sleep to a 3 MINUTE slep ;D ;D ;D ;D I owe it to everybody who has given me tips!
Glad we could help! Advancing somebody farther into yoyoing is simply awesome!
u can go to the gym and work on ur forearm. lol but u just have to keep trying try not to have the string touching the wall of the yoyo cause it causes friction witch makes the yoyo slow down and turn
3 min!! dang you are getting good fast. i dont think i could throw 3 min until mid summer, which is 5 months of throwing.
I still can’t get any nice tricks down, but hey. Im throwing a good sleeper, the rest will come in time! And I’m using a darn good yoyo!