Stripping ano from a SE yoyo


I was just wondering if anyone had any experience stripping anodizing from a yoyo with side effects? I’d like to know if it induced much vibe or caused any issues with installing the side effects?

I’ve chemically stripped ano from yoyos in the past but I always mask off the bearing seat to avoid any problems with regards to the bearing.


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Hey! Shouldn’t be much of an issue to worry about….

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Hey Luke,
I tried it and you have no issue since you have no bearing seat. SEs
The o rings in the SEs compensate well enough for the shell


I’ve done quite a few and have not had many issues. If you are concerned about keeping the taper pristine and free from any types of potential potting / deformities, then I’d suggest masking the SE hole and doing the halves and then later come in with a Q-Tip or wadded up rag / cotton ball, bit of sponge, etc… and lightly go over the inside of the tapered hole until the ano is gone.

I have only had one etch out on me before and it was 100% due to me getting distracted and leaving it in the bath longer than I had intended. It didn’t effect the play much but the side effect on one half did get a little looser. All of the others I’ve done have never had issues though.


Thanks everyone for the information! I wasn’t sure of the SE tolerances but I guess it’s not as critical as I imagined.


I’ve had some experience here. Have done both where I stripped the whole and masked it. Should be fine either way if you’re careful and don’t let it soak for too long. I have found stripping the anodize required me to apply lube to the hole more often to prevent the side effect from getting stuck, so I usually would mask the hole and leave the anodize. Stripping the anodize hasn’t induced vibe in my past experiences however, still wouldn’t recommend it tho.