Strings and Bearings

This is a 2 part thread:

Strings: i have about a hundred 50/50 strings, but i was wondering for the future, what other popular strings are there. i know about 70/30 and such, but what is the difference from a “chaotic” string and all the other string types with those awsome names. are they just a combination with a name, or is there a real difference like the way they are tied or something (besides color). and what would you recomend for me. i am looking for low friction so it can spin freely and wont burn my finger if i move it too fast. also where would i find it.

Bearings: i am looking for a few new bearings for my new yoyos. i have 2 yyf, a 2 yyj, and a kk. i have been looking at an AIGS and 10 ball on other posts and i know the basic differences like that 10 ball is quieter but AIGS is very quiet and they both spin very well. i may get both but i was curious whether they sell deshielded ones. i have trouble taking off the shielding and recently i just got paint thinner. i am leaning twards an AIGS because i have used one when i tried a 5 star (sigh) but i haven’t knowingly used a 10B. i have $40 from the holidays and i will probably get both, but i want to know if either are sold de shielded and where to find those. also, are there any other special bearings besides spec., 10B, AIGS, KK, Ceramic, Center Track…