String Testers Wanted

you know, I’ve never seen gold string… like bright gold would be pretty sick i think. iunno random thought lol
…Bigyo any possibility of you making me some specific color combo strings for order? ???

I’m sticking with solids right now sorry

So since i’m a lazy bum I forgot to write up my review so here it is:
Pros: Whippy,nice colours
Cons: rough, doesn’t break in well, and didn’t last me very long

I’m sorry but i didn’t really like your strings I found them to be rough and they didnt hold tension to well. I think they are also wound too tight . They would feel a lot like a hamstring if they were softer but alas they are rough.

sos sorry but I don’t love them

I thought the opposite. Mine were very soft, in a good way. But i agree about tension. Maybe some inconsistency in the process of making them.

mine were soft and broke in well, they did seem to get overly tight faster but still played well when tight. Only thing im disappointed at is no neon yellow :frowning:

I’m also kind of a string snob i’ve been friends with Jen from twisted stringz since about 2 months into throwing so my standards are pretty high

Hey man it’s okay. No hard feelings here. A bad review is better than a good one for a bad product. Sorry you didnt like yours. We can pm and talk more about the problems.

It would be cool to have some twisted colors… :wink:

Im working on that right now, just experimenting. It takes a lot longer to do those than just one color though

I was one of the testers, and quite like the string. Here’s the blue colorway in Entheos:

The string is thicker than most of the ones I use, but I didn’t have any problems with it being too thick. I was going to wait until it had worn down before I wrote up my thoughts, but it’s still going strong, so I decided I’d better just review it now :slight_smile:

I happened to have the string when I was near a microscope. The individual strands are very shiny and nice. The overall string is a duller shade, but it occasionally shines from the individual strands.

I’m a relatively new thrower, so I don’t have much more insight. All I can say is that I’ve been experimenting with different strings lately, and the Big Yoyo strings are definitely still on the list for future replacements!

Il test string like green