String Testers Wanted

Got mine today

any first thoughts about it so far?

Hey guys, glad to hear you like it, but could you please post your compliments/complaints/opinions in the forum. I might use these as testimonials when I set up a website. BTW people who have not yet received string, I’m slowly working on it, just made 10 more. It’s slow because I make each one individually. I also have 2 orders I’m working on, a job, school, drumming, ice fishing, etc. So don’t worry I will ship EVERYBODY’S by the end of the week

Take your time, we all have lives outside of yoyo’ing!!! We know how busy things can get.

Take your time, we all have lives outside of yoyo’ing!!! We know how busy things can get.
I agree, take your time. I am very excited to get mine though!

ok, so I got mine yesterday. I won’t give a full review until I really put it through is paces, but first impressions are good. Good bounce, great tension, and it lasts longer than store bought poly. A few more days of everything I can throw at it, and I’ll be set. I will say this though. Big yoyo, if you decide to sell this string, I’ll take 50 :wink:

Sounds like quality stuff!!! can’t wait to try it

great string man i love it

I just got mine. I’ll edit this post to add some pics later. They look very high quality. Pulling them they feel nice and bouncy. I am not the biggest fan of the blue but I think I’ll buy some just to have the whole spectrum and it’s nice to have in case I get an all white or chrome/polished yoyo(because they match with all colors). They also look very consistent. If what I’ve heard about these being for sale and the pricing, i might be getting 50-100(assuming they will be for sale and he produces that many per order). I’ll be giving one to TheRyanFace1 so he can also test them and write a review too. But enough chit chat. Let’s get throwing!

Hey yeah get better and I pm’d you a message and I really hope your string is a big hit and If it is I would like to maybe buy some

Here’s my review on these “unknown” strings that Big Yoyo sent me to test out. This review is basically set up like a review on High Speed Yo-yo

Yo-yo used: CLYW Avalanche

First Impressions:

I was really excited to receive these strings and test them out, but I kind of forgot that Big Yoyo sent them to me, because it’s been a while since I told him that I wanted to test them out. Anyways, when I first opened the little plastic bag that they came in, the first obvious thing that I realized were the colors of the string that I received, which were orange, green, and red. I threw them for a while on my Avalanche and I was really impressed by how good they played.


The feel of these strings would be a mix between Toxic Strings and the usual YYE 100% polyester strings. It’s hard to explain, but like the 100% polyester string which feel sorta like wax, and Toxic Strings which feel something like Kevlar, it’s a mix between those two, so it’s a bit waxy and somewhat “tougher”, I guess you could say.

Whips, slack, etc:

First of all, I love how these strings preform whips and slack tricks. I’m not really into whips and slacks but these strings work really well with basically any trick that involves a whip or some type of slack. Another thing that I love is how they preform when doing Suicides. The first thing I did when I put this string on my Avalanche was a Suicide and I landed it quite a few times in a row. Compared to my 100% polyester string, this string preforms… I would say about 45% better than the YYE 100% polyester at preforming Suicides, and other whips and slack tricks.


Binds with these strings are really snappy, kind of like my Toxic String. The only problem that I have with the binds with these strings, is that they snag a little and are a tiny bit more responsive, but after a few minutes of play it seems to go away, so I guess they just need to be broken in. I love doing Suicide Binds, so I thought would throw some of them at this string and see how it would handle it, and to my surprise it handled it really well. Compared to my YYE 100% polyester string, I like the binds on this new string better. Again, really snappy, which I love.

String Tension:

This string really holds tension well. I threw 4-5 combos at it, and still didn’t lose tension like expected. Compared to my YYE 100% polyester, it holds tension about 3x longer. This string can also last a long time. Not as long as Toxic or Kevlar, but it can last quite a which, which is something that everyone that throws would like to find in string.

Final Thoughts:

I really like this string a lot. It surprised me by the performance it gave me and after a few hours of playing with this string all I could do was applause for the great job it did. I prefer this over YYE 100% polyester and Toxic String, but that’s just my opinion. This string is just really that good. I really wish that I could have received some purple, but I’m not complaining, I love this string and I’m definitely going to pick some up from Big Yoyo very very soon. The color of this string is also a thing that surprised me, because I haven’t exactly seen string that had a dark and light color before and I think it’s an amazing effect that I have to give Big Yoyo a big thumbs up for, I love it.
If you wanna try some new strings out, definitely consider sending Big Yoyo a Personal Message and ask him can you test it, because, again this string is amazing.

Good job Big Yoyo, you’ve really outdone yourself making such great strings :wink:

P.S: Consider sending me some purple strings to test, haha.

Rats, I log off the forum for a few weeks and i miss free sting. Let me know if there will be more tests in the future.

You could ask him. He probably won’t mind…

Well… I was going to write a review, but you summed up pretty much exactly what I wanted to say haha.

Big yoyo. Please pm me if you’re selling string. I want more, and I’ll pay this time! :smiley:

LMK if you want another string tester

After seeing review’s can’t wait for mine to show up!

Me too! I’m about out of string too!

Hey guys incase your wondering, I have been very busy lately, but I got everybodys string out EXCEPT Chris’s and The person in Canada. The reason is 1 I wanted time to improve my string if negative reviews came back, and 2 these guys needed more string so I put them on the end of the list. But today or tomorrow everybody else who hasnt gotten theirs should have, and for you two I mentioned above, well good things come for those who wait

Yea, I saw that no one had written a full review for the string yet, so I thought it would be cool to be the first.

But, I’m sure Big Yoyo could always use your opinion on his string as well :slight_smile:

Awesome!! Cant wait, this stuff sounds promising!!