String choice of pros

It’s very easy to determine what throws your favorite professional player uses. It’s quite a bit harder to discern what string they’re using. Is there any kind of database that includes what strings each pro player uses? I think it’d be really cool to be able to easily look up what string your favorite player uses, since it makes a bit of a difference when learning their style of tricks.

Maybe if there’s no such database already and you know of a string that someone uses, we can keep this thread going with specific players.


The only thing I heard is that Angle2up uses markmont cumulus foams bc someone asked about it and he’s a saint and answers every question. (Heard this on the forum so it could be wrong idk but it makes sense)

I think this is a really interesting question and I’m super curious about this as well. Do pros actually use their signature strings for comps? Like they don’t even use their signature yo-yos all the time… :thinking:


Lol, good question. No way to know for sure, but I do know that Kohei Nishimura uses Sochi K String, and Takeshi allegedly still uses Takeshi String (though it’s like, impossible to get)


I can’t remember what website or contest sorry, but I remember looking not too long ago at one and was very surprised to see a lot of the competitors used Sochi string


In most cases these companies are making exclusive string for specific players. I always just recommend going with what feels and handles the way you want it too! Some like em thick, some like em thin. different strokes for different folks.


I’ve also noticed a lot of players using Sochi, and their team expanding quite a bit. Pretty interesting since kitty was by far the norm for awhile.


I do like Sochi sometimes myself, their string is a little softer/nicer feeling to me but I don’t think it holds tension or lasts quite as long as Kitty


If you ever wonder what your favorite player is using, just send them a message and ask. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to tell you.


Yo this is the answer.

Everyone in yoyo is just a person. Most folks even some that sell yoyos or do contests or make content have day jobs. Literally just send them a message or email or whatever and most will respond. I’ve never met anyone in the yoyo scene who was too good to talk if they weren’t busy. Like don’t stop someone who is actively going on stage at a contest to ask them what string they use.


Pretty sure most of them just use whatever bulk string like kitty, sochi , etc.


That’s a question that gets asked a lot on the two interview-focused Yoyo podcasts I’ve listened to (the Yoyo Podcast by a forum member @Drew_17 and Kill Your Yoyo by Ross of @Modern_yoyos more recently). Seems like there are a lot of Kitty Fat fans especially in the Yoyo Podcast interviews.

The more experienced players I’ve met seem to not care so much as long as it’s close to typical string.


I used to be really gnarly about what I would use for string but ended up liking the bulk kitty, monkey finger and twisted stringz the best.

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Another time there was a more urgent request before a big contest. Evan definitely uses Plutonium for contests and regular throwing.

Kris Toledo uses Type-X for contests and regular throwing. Ann Connolly, Eric Koloski and others have used various YYSL formulas too. I think if you get a feel for a string you really like, then you use that in practice and contests (or just for fun like most of us).

I imagine a lot of contest players just use whatever bulk and don’t give it a thought. Eric told me the same was true for him before someone gave him some YYSL to try.


I think at first, when you are introduced into the yo-yo play, the string doesn’t really matter too much, but as you start playing more and using the string more for more advanced tricks, you will definitely find that having a more premium string does wonders! - At that point, it comes down to personal preference and what yo-yo you are pairing it with!

Like yo-yo companies, there is a bunch of great string companies out there as well! I personally have been using @MattB YoYoStringLab strings for about 9 years now and they have always been consistent EVERY SINGLE TIME!

I flipflop between their 2 formulas Venom and Ka-Pow!
Venom for yo-yos with a smaller gap, and Ka-Pow! for the thicker gaps!

Love both because they keep tension very well, add an extra kick to your whips and slacks, with the addition of being the softest strings in the game (in my opinion)

Hope this helps, and if you have any other questions let us know! :slight_smile:


Kitty fat is great string. Hunter Feurstein uses OT fat, I believe (could be normal) which is the best available for whips and hooks. I usually use Kitty normal to loop and Plutonium for 1a. I don’t know if it’s better than kitty fat or if I just think it is because it’s expensive, but it’s very very nice and similar in use to kitty fat.


I will add that, yes yoyo string lab is very very good quality and you will not get quality issues that are more common with true bulk string. You’re paying for the love and attention to detail and you get what you pay for. I’ve gotten a batch OT fat that was under tensioned and inconsistent string to string.


AMMO and Zipline FTW