Starting my nicotine free life today!

Once you realize how fast cravings go away it gets easier. And they will start to get less frequent


I can’t curse on these forums…but ■■■■ yeah! :partying_face: :fist_right: :boom: :fist_left:

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20+ years for me. It gets way easier.


Cigarettes are the most efficient drug delivery system ever invented. - NIDA

Don’t build a fight response. Trading one thing for another is just a trade. Let your intelligence be the voice. Then there is only an ending, not a substitute. Habits disappear without attention… as someone else has said.


I dont vape or smoke but ive struggled with mainly other things and I just want to say you got this man, its going to be hard but you got this man. go the whole way buddy


I don’t see how smoking is more effective than intravenously… let me know when you smoke your next vaccine


:tada:Congrats :tada: on your progress so far. Best wishes. You got this!!!:+1:


It was a statement by the National Institue of Drug Addiction or National Institute of Health. Some of their literature actually said it was more efficient than even intravenous. Have to ask them why.

From what I can remember I believe a cigarette delivered 10 and up to 27 various drugs at once and the effects were immediate. So your vaccine comparison would need to be a vaccine for 10 or 27 different diseases in one shot and make you immune immediately. I don’t think they work that way.

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This is poor advice for anyone who has an addictive habit. The first step at fighting an addiction is knowing that it is harmful. The habit/ritual is a major part of it and does not just disappear. If the addiction is more severe than the habit, a healthy coping mechanism to get rid of it is to mentally replace the habit with another activity. This in itself is an intelligent compromise to help your body adapt to not consuming the addictive substance.

Fighting without compromise and winning is the best case scenario, but id imagine anyone who commits themselves to quitting anything and cant has already tried that ad infinitum.


It’s only poor advice if you think they are powerless. I don’t. So you’re saying everyone doesn’t have the power to master their own life already inside them? Of course they do in my view. The energy is there, waiting. As I said, let the energy of your intelligence be the guide. This includes knowing something is harmful, how could it not? Do not fear facing the thoughts that drive your addiction. Sit quietly sometime and observe your minds chatter. It’s constant and varied. You have to face this within yourself to conquer an addiction. Using coping mechanisms is fine, but the real work will have to be done at some point or it’s just a distraction, another means of wasting energy. Your mind will tell you to smoke, and not to smoke, and to do this or that. But all those thoughts have arisen from a deeper level of awareness. You have to face them and see their truth. That is when you re-gain your true power. That’s what I wish for anyone facing difficulty. I know 100% guaranteed that Dude0909 has the power necessary to quit anything they wish, at any time. It’s only as hard as we make it. Sounds simple, but it’s so true. In fact, that is one of smoking’s marketing campaigns for a reason, to keep you from even trying to quit, because it’s so so hard. They produce and propagate that information for their own goals, selling you cigs or juice or whatever.

The analogy that others couldn’t quit or master themselves doesn’t matter. Have you ever heard, ‘Comparison is not Truth’. Because it’s not. People have kicked every habit that has ever existed. Some haven’t kicked a single habit. It’s our choice, not any others.
Have you heard ‘Within the thing that destroys you, is your choice to let it destroy you’? Don’t think you are powerless, that thought actually makes you powerless.


I think I should explain more on what ‘don’t build a fight response’ means. Like Einstein said, 'if you can’t explain it to a 12 year old, You, don’t understand it well enough.

To fight yourself is an amazing wastage of energy. Why create an internal struggle when you don’t need to? This struggle is just another form of escape. So what I’m saying is, do not divide yourself. This is the only way a fight can occur, there has to be two sides. So you divide yourself, a good self, and a bad self. The good tries to control the bad. This is where you waste all kinds of energy and can become lost from your goal. Fighting to divide a thing that is and only can be One. There is not a good and bad self, there is just you. Seeing yourself as you are transforms you, not an internal struggle. Be strong, but love yourself. You will come to find a power within you when you are whole that a divided mind could only dream of.


Hit the 7 day mark today, it gets easier and easier every day but the cravings aren’t completely gone. Thanks for all your comments everyone, it really means the world that you guys are on my side. I need as much support as I can get.




That’s so awesome! Thanks for the update man! Way to go!! :smiley: