Star Wars Episode 7

I think that some people are assuming that LucasFilm has been bought by Disney, that somehow it doesn’t still exist. It’s been /bought/, not dissolved. I’m sure a lot of the team involved with the creation of the movies and other works will remain similar. It’s just there’s a different conductor directing the orchestra.

From what I’ve been reading about it, Episodes 7-9 will be completely original stories, and it also sounds like they will have absolutely nothing to do with the post-ROTJ novels. So it is highly likely that the books from The Truce at Bakura and beyond will no longer exist in the brand new Disney-owned SW universe.



Why? The actors will be older now! Like they can’t just get the original actors for Luke and Han Solo and Leia back, they’ll have to get new actors, and that ALWAYS makes me NOT want to see a movie.


There’s more to the universe than that specific story, you know. Like I said, I’m hoping the new movies takes place during the Knights of the Old Republic period.

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It won’t. It will be taking place after Return of the Jedi.

All the sources I’m finding in this wiki regarding the content of the new trilogy are from the 80s. I’m not sure if they’ll follow this original plan, or if they’re calling it 7-9 for the namesake, as opposed to Lucas’ intended content.

In fact:

If you have sources that are confirming that they’ll be sequels, I’d like to see.

The Episodes of Star Wars are in chronological order. So if they are aiming to come out with Episode VII in 2015, then the story will be taking place sometime after Episode VI. That is a given. Also, I highly doubt that Disney would completely butcher the franchise by arbitrarily having the new film take place during the KOTOR period.

I’ve mentioned that it could be adopting it simply for the namesake, heck, maybe even just working titles. I’m not willing to be convinced that it will be chronological purely out of assumption.

Plus, it’s not exactly unheard of in the Star Wars franchise for it to be out of order. Like, at all. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was originally titled Star Wars, and we all know how that turned out.

I’m interested to see where this goes. I mean it can’t get worse than Phantom Menace.

this will probably be bad choice for it Disney has ruined millions of movies that could have bin good like Charlie and the chocolate factory the original was great but when they redid it it wasn’t so good >:(

attack of the clones was way worse than the phantom menace.

What exactly was added to the finished Bible?

the clone wars. shudders

yeah i know that series was horrible

I’m not sure about this ,but I can imagine if this somehow got to Kingdom Hearts. haha

Yeah I could see that too in da future

This isn’t an assumption, dude. This is a FACT. If Disney is coming out with a SEQUEL for Return of the Jedi, then by default the film will be taking place sometime AFTER Episode VI. If they came out with a sequel that took place 4,000 years before the prequels, which is when KOTOR took place, then that would be a huge slap in the face for all of the old school Star Wars fans. You also couldn’t really call it a “sequel” either. So that’s not gonna happen, unless maybe Disney’s goal is to tank the entire franchise.

I don’t even understand why you’re trying to argue about this, to be honest.

Okay, I’ll bite. Give me just ONE example from Episodes 1-6 that was out of order. Other stories in the SW universe don’t count here. Just the films.

Don’t worry… I’ll wait…


BTW, even though the film was originally released in theaters under the title of “Star Wars”, George Lucas was already planning for it to be the first film in a trilogy. In the process of writing the screenplay/novel for it, he realized he was telling the middle story in a much bigger storyline. Episode IV was going to be followed by 2 sequels, and there was eventually going to be a prequel trilogy, as well as a sequel trilogy (I-IX).

He had also wanted to call it “Episode IV: A New Hope” from the very beginning, but 20th Century Fox didn’t want to confuse the audience. If the movie had been a flop, that would’ve been the end of the Star Wars franchise. But because it became the most successful film of all time, sequels were inevitable.

I actually happen to like the show…

Nothing was worse than The Phantom Menace.