standard bearing vs. center track bearing?

pros and cons, whats good whats bad?

Standard bearing?

yea, a non-modified bearing wither it be a spec or yyj speed bearing, just a flat top bearing.

Well, then there is the battle between those. Be more specific.

Lets compare the Center-Trac and SPEC, because those are most easily comparable.

The spin times will be the same, because it is the same basic bearing, just a different shape.

The Center-Trac will stop the string from rubbing against the response, but it won’t cause kickback like a KK. It also might reduce a little bit of tilting.

I usually just like to keep my bearings stock. They were put in a yoyo for a reason, and I can have fun with any bearing I use. When you start messing with bearings, you get them confused and lost and locked up.

10-balls are my favorite because they spin forever and don’t need too much maintenance.