stacking a metal drifter

hey guys I’m looking to stack my Duncan Metal Drifter. I’ve heard stacking duncans can be quite easy but i’ve never attempted it before. anybody got any suggestions on where to start. thanks Big J

Remove the screw-on caps and replace the bolt and nut with the ole generic hubstack posts. Either the PGM or the FHZ stack kit ones should work.



I never knew they had screw on caps.

I learned something today.

Thanks mrcnja

Same for me, haha.

awesome! thanks alot I’v got a pgm v2 I"m going to try with that first if that works then I’ll get a fh2 stack kit. by the way where can i get one of those i noticed they don’t have them here?

I got the stacks put together but the bearings are rubbing the nubs of the drifter. tomorrow i’m going to the hardware store to see if i can find some o-rings to make some spacers for the hubstack posts to sit on outside the nubs, after that it should work fine (fingers crossed). the weight of the drifter with stacks is 66 grams and it feels a whole lot better then the nonstacked weight of 61 grams. I can’t wait to see how it plays with working stacks!