SPYY punchline

Is this yo-yo a limeted run or a full time yoyo? I want to get one but I can’t get a new yo-yo until the end of the school year. :frowning:

Do me a favor and lock one of these threads. A mod in this situation would be nice. Too bad he’s here once a month. Accept JM. Where is he?

The YoYoExpert edition colorway is limited but the yoyo is a full time yoyo.

That really makes me irritated.
For starters, why does this thread deserve to be locked? He is not breaking the rules at all, as far as I’m concerned.


SPYY Punchline.


SPYY Punchline

Actually, all SPYYs have been a limited run up until this point, so it is safe to assume that this will be too(there were just less red ones). There won’t be any left at the end of your school year.

drat… time to think of a new yo-yo

Well for starters I never said this thread.
Second he posted two identical threads. the only difference was the fact tha he said three months in the first one and at the end of school in the other.

It really irritates me when someone posts things like that when they don’t even know what they are talking about.

handed to you.

Really? Drat. I was kinda hoping to get one for Xmas or something…I might be able to find one in the BST…but who’d be willing to give their punchline up? ::slight_smile:

Pun not intended. :wink:

sorry that second thread was a accident

I assumed as much, no worries, EW321.