
Hey, does anyone have any experience with SpinGear.Jp shipping to the US? Are they legit? Trustworthy?


They are trustworthy and legit. And honestly faster shipping than rewind. I have ordered from them half a dozen times. They also have physical store in Japan.


I ordered from spingear to the east coast and it made it in like 4-5 days. The japan post box even had cats on it……


Legit. The shipping was surprisingly fast, a week or less to Arizona. I know others that have had the same experience.

One thing though, sometimes they send a billing invoice for additional shipping costs. It seems sketch but it’s just how they do things. They give a breakdown when they do. It was like an extra $10 for my $200ish order… shipping total was like $35ish for my order. This was recent.


This seems pretty common when you buy from Japanese sites that aren’t catered specifically to the global market. I’ve had it happen a few times elsewhere too. Thought I was being scammed the first time lol but decided it would be weird to try to scam someone out of 300 yen and went with it lol.


We all love the yos, but please refrain from talking about competitor websites here. It is against the forum rules.


I do wanna say, I think that mindset hurts the site more than helps it. Like imagine going on a reddit thread about Nike shoes, and you get your post banned because u mentioned adidas :skull:. I think letting people talk about whatever they want with yoyoing will only help grow the space more. And if yye wants to become more dominant, to let people speak about what they like more or less about other sites, and take notes on how to improve


The rule is about advertising anyway and not discussion. IMO this is an explicitly allowed case, there’s no direct advertisement, no hyperlinks to spingear, just user experience stories.


This analogy would work if Reddit sold Nikes.


Okay let me change it to Instagram then, since on Instagram you’re able to buy stuff from there. It’s like someone being critical of Nike shoes in the comments because adidas doesn’t have a particular issue, for then the Nike Instagram to censor that person by removing their post. All this does is make people resent the site that’s censoring them, and makes them want to shop other places

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I agree 100%. More people will use the forum if it’s more chill and those people will be more likely to buy from YYE.


I think that YYE is a wonderful platform to discuss many things, they don’t have to provide this service, but they choose to for the benefit of us, and I think they have the right to enforce any rules they wish, no matter how strange it may seem to us.

one thing we need to remember, is that this website is not just a forum, it is also a business. you don’t walk into a Walmart and tell everybody that Costco has this item for cheaper? especially if they ask you not to–they are providing a useful service to you, and they should be allowed to tell you to quit bringing people out of their store.

Andre is from what I’ve gathered, a very friendly and selfless man, but he is trying to run a business here, a business for a community that is already quite niche, what he really does not need is everybody talking about how wonderful this other yoyo store is, and how they have an incredible collection of rare yoyos for cheap.

there’s my $0.02, go ahead and :skull: my post, whatever that really means…


I respect your opinion man, and I do get it. But that doesn’t invalid people’s thoughts that they don’t like it and makes them want to shop elsewhere when they censored. I view it like, if I was at Walmart and complained to another customer that they don’t have a certain item or the price is too high for said thing, if a manager suddenly came up to us and booted me out, I’m pretty sure we’d then want to boycott Walmart for censoring us. I get the idea of not wanting people to mention competition cuz it’s your business, but I feel like it ultimately backfires because of negative customer experience


This really is a complicated subject, I’m not sure if there is a “right” answer to this…

To be fair the rule is only for linking. We’re allowed to talk about other locations and there are folks who sell offsite with accounts here, see g2 Jake who doesn’t get kicked off for saying he sells yo-yos. If anything the title of this post could be edited to remove the .jp and we would be entirely within the posted rules.


The examples are just slightly wrong. Lets say you are on walmarts “forum” and posting links to Target items. That would get you banned. If you went to a starbucks store and put a flyer for your own coffee shop in their store they would pull it down.
You cant go to a marketplace and advertise another marketplace that seems pretty normal.


I once posted a yoyo on here cuz it was about if people like anime yoyos, and they removed it cuz you could see it was from yoyorewind. Not even a link to go buy it from there or telling people to buy it, and besides yoyo expert didn’t even sell it…


Just jumping in to say that Taka-sama runs a great shop and I’ve not only ordered but retailed with them multiple times. (Buy my yoyos here, though… shipping is free and faster if you’re domestic!)

Excellent shipping, great vibe, <3 Spingear.jp


This is just people talking to each other about yoyos. I see it as more of word of mouth than another seller telling people to specifically go buy on their site. And regardless of what the example is like, the point stands that it frustrates people on here and turns them off from yoyo expert. They should be more open minded and allow us to speak what we want, and if there’s criticism to why we want to shop at another platform, they should listen instead of silence them

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(please don’t)