Wish Spin Gadgets were more available in the US 😢

Y’all I went down the beginner yoyo rabbit hole and found this beauty!

A spin gadget with a concave D bearing :drooling_face:. A bunch of these spin gear yoyos seem cool! But not sure that i want to spend a small fortune importing them.

The shipping costs so much, its more than the yoyo lol. $15 yoyo, $25 shipping :face_exhaling:.

I do see a basic spin gadget here on yoyo expert. I might grab one of those but i imagine it probably compares to like the spinstar. Snap Back might have it beat.

Any reason why these yoyos aren’t more available in the US? At least more variety?


I went down this rabbit hole I feel the same. Some of there loopers look dope.


unless you asked taka’s staff via email if they can sold it in US market


Y’all if I ever go to Japan I am coming back with a suitcase full of yoyos :rofl:.

These spin gear throws look awesome.

@Captrogers i checked them out they look cool too! I cant tell one looper from another honestly, not enough experience with them. But they have a good variety for sure.

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If I ever set up a shop, they would be the first ones I’d contact about wholesale :laughing:.

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I reckon that would be possible, inquire them for wholesale can’t hurt a bit.

They also handling exclusive yoyos that came from previous brands like yyj chaser and yoyojoker vortex that might others interested not just spin gadgets

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There is another spingadget that released today for Japan National yo-yo day.
It’s a One Drop machined, Side Effects yo-yo, available in Cerkote and it takes FH caps.


These are all readily available to US customers, you just have to pay for international shipping.

Try living in countries where people don’t want to/can’t ship to, or where shipping rates combined with VAT make things a lot more expensive.

Just having to pay a little extra for shipping and being able to order direct from the website is pretty nice in comparison.


Yeah this is the yoyo that turned me on to the plastics.

Interesting concept they have there for sure.

Yeah for sure. Im mostly just window shopping since im not tryijgnto turn a $15 yoyo into a $40 one. There are other yoyos i can get free shipping on from YYE that id probably get at that point.

I imagine it is indeed tough being in countries where shipping is hard to come by. Time to become a nomad yoyo seller, like Beedle from Zelda :rofl:.


What’s really cool is all of these Caps are compatible with the 48mm Duncan Standard, these are easily removed with a suction cup.

I just put these Clear Glitter Blue Aurora SG Caps on a RSO Gravity the other day…

Image this @MarkD MK1 Unicorn with some of the fun Anime Caps


So the MK1 unicorn caps will fit the spin gadget?


That would be correct. If they all fit Duncan then yeah they all gonna fit. Layer infinity weight rings and caps are the same size too


Yep, I put those spin top caps on a Burger, so far I have figured out Ninja Vanish whip catches onto the cap rather consistently.


This just blew my mind. Time to get a bunch of weight rings and caps :laughing:


I’ve never heard anyone else say they have done ninja vanishes onto caps before! Its cool when someone else independently comes up with the same/similar idea! I used to do ninja vanishes on a zstacked g5 a few years back, but never got super consistent.