Spin Top Regenerations Plz Give me a rundown!

Okay @Larry_D And @ta0 And Chris Neff I couldn’t find your handle bro sorry lol Please give me a rundown on how to do regens with a spin top such as the sweetle or S8’s? I understand they have to be fixed tip but getting them in the right position etc. any tips greatly appreciated! thanks


This is still the best reference I can find on regens,


That video from Neff that Kevin posted is very good. It shows the only 4 regenerations that we were doing in the early 2000’s in the US. Now there are at least 20, some with the top never leaving the string. But Joker Choker remains one of the most powerful and most people start with either Roller Coaster or Sewing Machine. It takes a while to learn but once the regen genie visits you it’s a whole new level of play and well worth it. On the iTopSpin forum there is a thread titled “Regeneration question (or two)” where 3 or 4 players are currently learning to regen.


This is another great viddy on regens, in case anyone is still looking. Spin top regenerations is going to be by winter project. I can’t stand winter, might as well pile on the pain.