Spin top learning curve (it’s not a curve)


I may not be pulling back enough seeing this video.

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I put this back in the rotation today. After practicing some most days for the past year or so, some of the tops I had not used much are feeling a lot different to me.
If anyone out there has picked up tops and then put them back down because of a lack of progress, maybe try them again. The time it takes is longer than with yo-yos if you are not around folks that can help you. It is really worth the effort though once you get the feel for it.
This YouTube channel has helped me a lot. The tutorials are very detailed and cover a wide range of tricks.


I won’t lie. I’ve been happy to skyrocket into my hand every once in a while. I’ve been picking them up a lot more here lately and actually pulled off 2 proper marry go rounds and returned to my hand today. :smiley: This video though, gives me a bit of a new hold to try for my boomerang and I think that’ll help. I feel like I do the throw just right but it just won’t come back toward me. I haven’t tried in a while though either. This is good motivation.


The lighter the top, the easier it is to pull back. If you have a YYF, try that.

Ok this is too much fun, just started practicing this recently and it is lots more entertaining to fail at than just failing at regens all the time.
There are lots of ways to get into the right position to do the trick (or miss the trick🙃) but the simple way shown here is the most direct, and it is great practice for improving the foundational moves to start a ton of other tricks.
Try this whip catch if you haven’t already been doing it.




I got some time outside today trying to boomerang. I had been aiming it down like I was throwing at the floor, I would pull back so hard but it wouldn’t come back toward me. Today I tried throw it straight out and I pulled back as hard as I have been and it went way up in the air but came down where it should. I then eased up and was able to get the top heading in the right direction, now I just need to adjust and get it upright as it goes.


This trick is a lot like the trapeze yo-yo trick. It was a little awkward feeling to begin with, but it is kind of fun to practice and it leaves you in a horizontal mount that lets you go to tons of other tricks. Definitely an outside trick to begin with, because when you drop after throwing a hard boomerang with the top sideways, it really takes off fast.


I tell you. That’s a great tutorial. I had the volume turned down and the video stressed what needed to be stressed in a very visual way. If I ever get the Boomerang I may give this a try. :rofl:
I know I keep saying I’m going to get that thing but months go by between my tries. When I do get it…you better believe I will triumphantly herald my success. One day. :rofl::rofl:

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