I got mine a while back and have been ignoring the problem but about a couple months ago i bought a Speeder 2 at Redondo Beach Pier’s Kite Shop…one day i was playing with it and i accidentally banged it on the floor afterwards the bronze weight rings popped out. Is this normal or is it some factory messup
normally yoyojams are pretty solid on construction but this does sometimes happen. you could try to glue it back on but it might havea vibe afterward.
I love my Speeder 2. I did throw once and dropped my arm, so the yoyo bounced off the carpet, which is an area rug over a tile floor. One of the brass rings came off a bit. I pressed it back on, it’s been fine since then. No problems, no issues, no worries.
Well i guess its normal for a speeder 2
I suppose. I heard a couple of “horror stories” about the rings popping off before I bought it, but I bought it anyways. It could be they made some adjustments between initial runs and later runs. But, then again, these are smaller weight rings, but I think brass is heavier than aluminum, but also softer. I could be completely wrong on both of those things though. I could see similar problems happening with any metal and plastic yoyo using similar methods of joining.
I think the problem comes from accidental abuse, like in my case: dropped arm, BAM, smacked hard into the floor. The Speeder 2 has also spend considerable time in my pocket and out and about with me. It’s holding up quite nicely.
I really like the performance and feel of the Hiroyuki Suzuki signature throws and am working at getting a complete set. I have a Speeder 2, Chaser, Phenom and Phenomizm. Looking to get a Meteor, maybe a SpeedMaker, and maybe see if someone on BST has a Speeder in really amazing condition for a decent price shipped.
@well thats a nice goal tell me how the meteor is when you get one
You might have to remind me now and then about that. I’m looking for some different stuff for my next purchase. I’m looking to pick up an OD Burnside and and C3 DiBase, and a few lower-cost yoyos plus a gift for my kid’s birthday.
WOW a lot of things to buy
Well, I may be saying “screw it” and just get a new digital mixer instead. Something cheap. Looking at $2K to 2400. Small stuff. That’s cheap. Trust me.
I got my eyes on stuff in the $30K range really. Right now my priority is an older digital mixer being repaired in time for my October 11, 2012 gig.
I should have funding to get the gear, the repair AND the yoyos. Depends if an over-due client chooses to finally pay me. I don’t feel comfortable getting a new digital mixer and walking it a gig with it. Analog? You betcha. But digital mixers are a whole other universe.
Well im still in high school with no part time job so 2k to 2.4 k is a lot to me lol anyway that sounds fun digital mixing, hope you can fix your old one before the gig
The mixer being worked on is a Yamaha ProMix01, I’m going to get a status report tomorrow just to see where it is. I know it’s in LA being worked on. It left last Tuesday. It should be done any day now and on a 2-day trip back up my way. I’m looking to get either a Yamaha -1V96VCM or a Presonus Studio Live 16.4.2. The Yamaha has motorized faders and an interface I like, but the Presonus also adds graphic EQ on all outputs. Both have “fat channel” type stuff on all inputs: compressor, gate, expander, limiter, 4 band sweepable parametric EQ with high pass filter.
The only bad part about this upcoming gig is that it’s a “Black Tie” kind of event, so I guess the only yoyo suitable for bringing in is my Phenom. Actually, it won’t allow time for “extra activities”.
This weekend I’ll be reconfiguring a bit of lighting for this event. The truck will be packed tight and I need to be prepared in case it gets “too tight”.
If I can’t get a client to pay a past due bill and the mixer can’t get fixed, I have a standby solution, an older Mackie 1604VLZ with a rack full of support gear. There’s always options.
Well good luck
But, back to the Speeder 2: I’ve been playing it a lot more recently since it’s smaller than the DM2 and apparently my fingers aren’t all that big, so I’m having a hard time learning rewind. Using the Speeder 2 has helped a lot. It’s not that my fingers are too small, it’s that for now, a narrower yoyo will work better until I get all the other kinks worked out regarding finger placement and stuff like that. Then I can go back to my DM2 or whatever else I want to use. I’ve also been carrying it around in my pocket a lot and of course, it’s hit the floor a few times during throws where I’ve dropped my arm(I like full length string, even taking a few inches off makes it a bit uncomfortable for me, which would be proper sized). No issues with the weight rings at all.
I hear Mickey just won Central Japan with the Chaser. Seems he’s one of those guys who will back up his product with performance and titles. BTW, the Chaser is really good too.