Something your afraid of.

Not existing. I won’t say death, because I’m not afraid of seeing death or the process of dying. I’m afraid of not existing. It is inevitable, just don’t know when it will happen. Also, I’m afraid of heights. I’ve been on roller coasters and ferris wheels, so it’s not a phobia, but a definite fear. I don’t like ladders…don’t trust them at all, at any height.

That was ddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppp bro… (no sarcasm I swear)

Seriously, I haven’t told many people that, but it’s true. If you sit there and think about “not being” it is scary. :frowning: Then, if you sit there and think about if you could live forever, but you’d watch everyone you know dying off around you, the thought gets just as bad. Seems lonely, and even if you met new people, you would be aging and they probably would not consider you “cool” cause you’ve been around too long. :-\

“Every person dies two deaths: one when their heart beats no more, and the second when their name is said for the last time.”

My mom with a new credit card

The fear of fear itself, no joke


This :stuck_out_tongue: hahahaha.

The walls closing in.

Robbers… Breaking in… Dumb people and gang embers in the nights.

Bees. I haven’t decided if Im scared of them or if they just frustrate me.

Where my fear of bees all started was when I was swarmed by a colony on yellow jackets…I tried running…It didn’t work…

I think this video will have a few laughs

I live in fear of terrorists destroying all the string factories. What would we do? :wink:

umm make your own string???

Being stuck in the biggest frend zone ever.

I have an incredibly strong fear of looking out a window in a lit room when it is nighttime. Probably scarred from watching the scene in Star Wars with the Mynock when I was young.

Going to another county and acidently marrying someones daugter.

Much worse than Hornets is this guy

Only cause he controls hornets

And fire…lots of fire…Mainly this guy

Ao Oni, I’m not joking. In fact, any version of games like that scare the ************ out of me.

Anyone sense the irony? cough unknown yoyo strings cough