Something Ceasefire-ish

Hey all! Looking for something similar to an SF Ceasefire, but a bit wider and faster playing. Definitely want to stay in that 54-55.5mm diameter range. Bimetal preferred. Also, preferably under $200, but there always some wiggle room :wink:. I had my eye on a TP Acanthus S, so if anyone has any experience with both that and a Ceasefire, that would be awesome. Any and all reccs are greatly appreciated! TIA!

If you put a goodlife DGTZR next to a SF ceasefire you will see they are shaped very closely together

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DGTZR is also on Sale Bonus !

Definitely looks similar. Not sure how I feel about the review saying it plays slower though :thinking:

The DGTZR is a signature for Jon Wolfe and he has more of a flowy 5A pacing than being a God Speed 1A player. Still a great YoYo, there was a Ceasefire on the FB BST with some other SFs

Just wanted to drop an update here for anyone else curious. Actually got my hands on an Acanthus S to try, thanks to a friend, and it is exactly what I thought it would be. If y’all like smaller diameter yoyos that are similar to a ceasefire, but wish it was a bit wider and faster playing, TP Acanthus S is what you’re looking for