some thing cool just happened!

ive met ed… really nice and awesome guy

I’ve met quite a few pros. To be honest, none of them are stuck up at all. Some of the nicest people yoyoers I’ve met are sponsored. Tyler Severance, Patrick Mitchell, and Gentry Stein are the first 3 that come into my mind. Yoshi Mikamoto is probably the nicest yoyoer I’ve met.

Aww…:slight_smile: <3
I pretty much agree with Q, but then again…it truly is how you approach “professional” yoyoers.
I know for myself when I go to contests I try to speak to everyone equally so I am all over the place.
Just recently I met up with hank, drew, jack, and takeshi of Duncan in Madison, Wisconsin…it was so laid back and so much fun! :slight_smile: They even included me in the demoing which was amazing.

I’m forever grateful for guys like that. I hope to be someone like them.


yea I know ;/ but it’s a little hard living here in Turkey I might meet yoyojam’s ege demir here in bursa in a few months :slight_smile: but other wise hopefully I’ll get to meet some if I’m able to go to worlds this coming year!

yea but it’s like all of us are doing yoyoing here and there all these guys who have had yoyos made after, and your able to talk to them! i’ve never met any who I’ve seen on videos and stuff before so still to me it’s like WOW I was able to talk to him!

Well, I don’t go on facebook much XD. But at some of the DXL meets I have met Alex Kim, Anthony Rojas, and Glasseye

Like the one and only Jim, himself.

yeah I’ve only talked to one pro so far^_^
and it was Andre B. it was so unexpected…lol
He called my house to tell me about an order I placed on the site^
towards the middle of the conversation I stopped and asked my self ‘WHY DOES THIS VOICE SOUND SO FAMILIARLY?!’…LOL(then it struck me from watching all the tut vids on this website…lol)
I stopped everything and asked him WHO AM I TALKING TO?..and he said, andre

at the time my head exploded >_< lol
but it was kool and so we talk for a minute or 2 and thats it…he was very kool about everything and what not…
but yeah so unexpected…lol

Oh, ya. Thanks Samad. Sorry

Graeme Steller

mark hayward gave me a yoyo lesson
60$ for 1 hour

Tyler Severance, Miguel Correa, Paul Han, Josh Yee, Augie Fash, Joe Wilson, Tyler Rose, Ann Conolly, and Gentry Stein. I talked to all of those pros in real life before.

no way! Personally I would have never done that… well on second thought maybe i would have to be able to spend an hour with a pro and learn from them but I mean WOW! $60? you could get a new pretty decent yoyo with that or a ton of strings xP

seeing as a pound of strings is >$60 I fail to see how you can get 2000x that much for $60 :stuck_out_tongue:

i met mark montgomery, jensen kimmit ,andre boulay,paul han,yuuki spencer,tyler sevrence,andsterling quinn