This was really at our small little yoyo meet in New York. LOL
LOl, Nice man. Nice
Haha that’s awesome. I was impressed enough by the random person binding, let alone to rest. Lucky man you are.
Dude… I NEED that hairdoo. lol.
I need big hair. But as some random guy’s siggie said,
“Finding another thrower is as likely as finding one of Saddam’s nukes”
Expecialy where i live you probobly couldn’t find another thrower within 3 states of me.Lol
thats pretty cool to find another thrower like that,
I live in KY but nobody in this states yoyos except me. Nice vid man.
I know there are several people hailing from Ohio on this forum. I also know there are quite a few in Oklahoma.
guys, we had a meet. he was just joking around lol…
i wish that some guy came u to me and started yoyoing!!!
when i first read that i thought you said samad
I suppose it could be interchangable, lol.