Ok… my turn>
You are missing something in your logic.
And since I might even be older than you(?); it’s not like I am trying to be disrespectful to older people.
I spent many years giving lectures in Effective Communication. My punctuation sucks pretty bad. But amazingly, when speaking in public; you use no punctuation. You just speak, lol.
Isolation is a necessary delay. To hold down the number of new cases while working around the clock for a solution. It is not a ‘delay’ just for the sake of delaying and doing nothing.
The Corona virus strain we are dealing with is a contact and close proximity disease. By nature of that description; logic dictates to keep down the number of new cases. You have to limit its’ exponential increase.
Often I draw pictures with words to allow folks to sort of wrap their heads around a reality.
Example> here is a picture for your consideration. 1000 potted 6ft. Christmas trees spaced 2 feet away from or another, branch tip to tip. One tree in the very far corner catches fire. There is no cross breeze to move the fire. But the closeness of the trees is the perfect storm to facilitate the fire spreading.
…For whatever reason you cannot immediately figure out a way to put out the fire. So how do you attempt to save the other 999 trees? You put some distance between the burning tree and those not yet on fire.
… You are not immediately ‘solving the problem’. But you are keeping the fire from spreading while simultaneously giving yourself some time to come up with ‘the solution’.
There are 3 ways to classify the status of a contagious situation. 1. static(cases noted but not increasing). 2. Spiraling downward(cases resolving and new cases decreasing in number). 3. Spiraling upward; gradually or exponentially(cases increasing dramatically).
Shutting down is not a plot to ruin the economy. It may ruin the economy(I’m not arguing that).
But shutting down most activities where people ‘gather’ is like moving the ‘infected tree’ away from the others so the ‘fire’ can’t spread.
Remove the emotion from the equation. If we let this virus get out of complete control and people start dropping like flies. Then is that the better answer. So the people that survive can choose sides at that point. Some of the survivors can run businesses. And the other survivors can either become employees or patrons.
This Corona Virus strain will kill a percentage of whatever final number of people that get infected. The greater the spread, the greater number of dead.
…So, you have to STOP the spread. You have to shut down the transmitters and the potential receivers.
The primary focus at this point is to hold down the number of new cases while they actively look for a way to resolve this virus.
…If we were all on a giant jet plane right now that was suddenly losing altitude. With everyone from dishwashers to Company CEO’s on board.
Would you focus more energy on losing your fortune or losing your life? If the pilot came out of the cockpit and shouted, ‘It looks like we are going down. Anybody have a bright idea’?
Would you just dwell on your livelihood and long term future? Or would you focus on your immediate future by surviving?
If we don’t isolate in this short game. And try to think optimistically that a solution will be found.
We might as well just leave that burning tree right next to all the other trees.
Cuz we’re all toast, then.
First step is to to move the Virus Status to #1 or #2. Either few new cases or no new cases.
We gotta get this plane over the mountain top.
If… if we don’t attack this situation in the proper way; there will far too many funerals to attend. And little time left to patronize a Business anyways.
So, here is the plan> we need to do whatever we can to minimize the spread of this Virus. While we are trying to discover a method of eradicating it.
Option 1
We don’t know what our ‘economy’ will be like on the other side of the mountain?
But we All have to participate in making it over the top.
Option 2
If we just work against each other. We will slam right into the mountain and it won’t matter.
…Let’s go with Option 1.
Now, where is that Pilot?