Since these sold so well in February, I have made 4 more homebrew MR85 bearing blanks! These are likely to be the last I make for a while.
These ones are upcycled from bearings that didn’t meet @MarkD’s quality control for the Harbinger release. → They still make excellent blanks! Each is a high quality bearing (2.5mm width) - with rounded edges and a nice polished finish - carefully filled with steel epoxy to a nice clean recess. (This is a real pain to do… I do it solely out of passion
). This is how I setup my go-to edc RBC. They also work great in the MK1+SW Harbinger.
$10 USD each, F&F preferred, shipped by letter post from Canada. Feedback thread here.
I will also include my favourite string for this setup. Send me a DM if you want one.