Software Developers - what technologies do you use?

I am a software developer and know that there are a few others lurking on this forum. What kind of software do you write? What technologies do you use?

Myself: I work for a large national Health provider; writing a new national enrollment system web-application.

We use:

  1. React.js - Javascript Single Page application (SPA)
  2. Java based REST api using back-end-for-front-end (BFF) cloud service provider.
  3. Kafka for messaging downstream systems.

Edit: My past technologies are varied as I have been a consultant for many years:
C/C++, Objective-C/iOS, Java, C#/.Net, Python, Perl, Visual Basic, MFC/C++, Ruby on Rails, Mozilla Geko, HTML, react, angular… Pretty much anything not used exclusively by the military.


I work for as IT for a school district so I’m lucky I can log in to my computer, but I’m very interested to see what everyone’s working with! So cool.


I work on reverse engineering/vulnerability discovery techniques! Basically spend most of my time buried in IDA/Ghidra (depending on architecture) and good ol’ GDB, lots of x86_64/ARM/MIPS, very occasional hexagon and other weird architectures. I would say 60% of my programming is in python, the other 40% is either C, C++, or bash scripts. Been experimenting more with rust recently but the build times are annoying for me since I constantly recompile my programs to test stupid things.


Rust has been on my radar for too long.

edited: I started on C++ years ago and spent many years in C++ and Java. The transition to functional programming has been quite the journey.


I’m an architect so my tech stack is constantly changing. I’m also a fixer so I jump around a lot. Done everything from front end, backend and now doing data and analytics getting into all the AI/ML debug data stuff for a bit.

Outside of work I’m working on learning c++, reverse engineering and assembly. Trying to get into what sounds like @fradiger is doing but I want it for games. Similar concepts though.


Is that a nice way to say you are a hacker? :wink:


google, stack overflow, copy and paste are my main technologies


I’m essentially an internal consultant at a large software company. My primary focus area is engineering efficiency, which can mean a lot of different things. I do a lot of design for test frameworks and harnesses, CI/CD systems, developer metrics pipelines, and automation of other toilsome engineering processes. I use whatever the “client” uses which has meant everything from C++ to Java to Python to golang. I mostly work on backend stuff, hence no obviously frontend languages in that mix. One of the things I love about what I do is that I can remain in the same position and work on a wide variety of projects and stacks.

For coding I mostly use Vim and very occasionally VSCode.

Honestly a lot of my work right now is accomplished through Google Docs :rofl:


The tools of a true professional.


We don’t use that term. White Hat is appropriate.


If it can’t be copied and pasted then I don’t want it.


Haha. Just kidding. Your job sounds way-cool. Security analysis?


@fradiger is the cool guy here. I just started my CCNA and A+ certs. I’ve picked up a fair share of white hat tricks and I can be a real menace with a bash bunny though.


Sorry; got confused. I thought you were him.

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security research, hacking on weekends (I play some hacking contests known as CTFs)

no fun hacking tho.


I do the same thing, heavily focused on research into tools and techniques. I mostly use python and C, with TypeScript thrown in when I need to build something with a better UI than steamlit or gradio can do. A lot of binary ninja, IDA and ghidra but I use their APIs more than the tools themselves. I’ve been doing AI research applied to reverse engineering the last few years so I use a lot of data science and machine learning tools like polars, spark, torch, cuda, etc.


Developers unite! I work at a large financial services company and tend to focus on cloud and data technologies like AWS, Python, Terraform, Jenkins. Currently heading up a group on data and AI in our org so trying to focus hard on helping our org develop skills in data literacy, data wrangling, visualization, ML, and working with LLMs. It’s been a good role so far! Glad to find some other developers who also yoyo!


I am currently working on landing a SWE job (just graduated) but in the past over school/personal projects and internship jobs, I have mainly used:

  • Python, C and Java, some AWS stuff for storage and log automation

I have been jamming on some Pi projects these days mainly to get my C and C++ a bit stronger. Last project was a tank Robot which used a 2D lidar sensor and OpenCV to do some line following.


I really want to learn software development. I’m an INTJ and apparently thats a great fit for my personality type.

One of the worst fits for my personality is a school teacher, which is exactly what I am! :joy::joy:


I am also a dev, working since 22 years in all kind of areas. Right now with one of the biggest US video streaming services.